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What *Actually* Happens When You Choose To Be Unapologetically Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

When you think of being unapologetically yourself, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? 

When I used to think of what it meant to be unapologetically myself, I first started off by having an overwhelming surge of anxiety. 

In a world where we are constantly being compared and judged, it can be one of those things that’s easy to question if it’s the right thing to do. 

When I was younger I had no idea who I was. I remember looking back at social media pages of different aesthetics in middle school and wondering if I fell into any of those categories. 

I went through multiple phases: Tumblr/VSCO girl, athlete, hippie, grunge … you name it. I probably did it. 

With all the different social groups around me, I never fit into just one. It made me overwhelmed, especially in high school.

In my more recent years I’ve come to the conclusion that all of the phases I went through were parts of who I am. 

Thinking back, I was afraid to admit that to myself because that meant I didn’t fit into a category, group or social “box.”

As I’ve gone into college and emerged myself into the real world, I’ve begun to realize that my differences are what make me the beautiful, unique person that I am. 

There have been three major things I’ve come to realize once I started being unapologetically myself.

Now, I’m going to share the things I’ve learned in hopes that it gives you the courage to start living your life unapologetically, too! 

  1. You Start Changing Your Life — Once you actively make the decision to be your authentic self you stop trying to please the people around you. You will want to change your life for the better, for you. 
  1. You Will Feel Free — There is no type of freedom as rewarding as the one you get when you accept yourself. Even when other people are around, you have absolutely nothing to hide or shy away from, in any given situation.
  1. You’ll Attract the Right People — and you’ll never have to worry about losing them. 

Now that I covered those three major things, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t hide the full truth from you either.

As I previously stated, I began to realize that my differences are what make me the beautiful, unique person I am. 

Which is true. 

Now the hard truth …

Not everyone will like who you are. 

Before I continue, I need you to be aware that it’s not a flaw in your character that they dislike. 

9/10 times it comes down to feeling threatened by your strength that you hold by embracing yourself.

It’s beautiful, it’s brave and quite frankly, terrifying. All at the same time. 

On a side note, I am a firm believer that people seek validation from others because they are unable to fully validate themselves. 

But, you cannot fully validate yourself unless you choose to live unapologetically, for exactly who you are. 

However, the promise that I can make to you as someone who has learned to be unapologetically myself is that when you start to face rejection from a place of strength, self-love and full acceptance, it won’t matter who doesn’t like you. 

You like you. 

More than you would have ever thought was possible. 

And self-love is the biggest gift that I’ve ever received. 

I would never have gotten to the point of self-love without choosing to live a life being unapologetically myself. 

Hey guys! My name is Emily and I'm a student here at KU! I'm currently majoring in English and minoring in Spanish. A little about me... I love exploring new places and going to different coffee shops around town! During my free time, you will most likely find me hanging out with my friends or doing pilates.