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The Self-Care List You Need

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

      This point in the semester is a time when everyone needs a little self-care. School is getting harder, the novelty of the year has worn off, and we all find ourselves feeling like there’s not enough time in a day to do everything that we need to. However, times like this are when relaxation and self-help are the most important. I know that there is sometimes a negative stigma surrounding self-care by people that claim it is selfish, but I beg to differ. Self-care is so incredibly important because it promotes increased confidence, relieves stress, and is beneficial physically, emotionally, and mentally. Personally, I’ve made a goal for myself to spend at least three hours a week doing something for ME. You should do the same…you won’t regret it.

1. Go out to eat by yourself. 

I’m a firm believer that everyone should experience this scenario once. It may seem a little awkward to get a table for one, but I promise that it’s not nearly as bad as it seems. It’s quite relaxing to observe everyone around you and read a book or whatever you choose. Take your time eating, smile, and leave a bigger tip than you normally would. I assure you that you’ll feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the remainder of your day. 

2. Go on a walk 

Leave your phone at home and take 30 minutes out of your day to take a stroll and explore. Breathe in some fresh air and lose track of time. I promise that you’ll thank Mother Nature.

3. Tidy up your room

Clean your room, organize everything, and make it look close to perfect. 


4. Take a luxurious shower.

For me, pampering myself is one of my favorite forms of self care. I like to take a long shower or bath, complete with bubbles. I’ll use a face mask, paint my nails, and give myself a pedicure, and put on a fuzzy robe. If you feel like it, go to a spa and get a facial and massage. Your body and mind will thank you. 

5. Wear something that makes you feel good

If you’re feeling down, go to your closet and pick out your favorite outfit. Put it on, it doesn’t matter if you’re overdressed. Put some makeup on, or not. Look in the mirror, do a couple of twirls and admire yourself. Then, go take on the day! 

6. Put on your favorite playlist and dance like crazy 

Put on your favorite song and tune out the rest of the world. Dance like nobody is watching, and I assure you that you’ll feel much better afterwards.


7. Buy yourself something nice

Whether its flowers, candy, or the cute new purse you’ve been wanting, treating yourself to something nice is a good way to make yourself feel awesome. 

8. Unfollow/Unfriend 

This one is pretty easy. Cut out al of the toxic people from your social media.