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Anna Schultz-Black And White Girl From Behind
Anna Schultz-Black And White Girl From Behind
Anna Schultz / Her Campus
Wellness > Mental Health

A Little Reminder that Everything is Going to be Okay

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KU chapter.

Have you been feeling extra sad lately? Do you feel like you can’t seem to find the positive in anything? Is your world falling apart? Are you experiencing heartbreak? Did you lose a friendship? Are you coping with a loss? Is a financial burden weighing you down? 

These are all things that we may have experienced in parts of our life. In fact, many of us are feeling it now. Trust me, I know how it feels. Some days all you wanna do is lie in bed and write a villain origin story about how everything that brought you down is gonna turn you into this terrible human being. Sometimes, nothing can ever seem to brighten your day because one groundbreaking thing just crushed your soul that badly. In the wise words of Pitbull, “I’ve been there, done that.” However, we often forget that light at the end of the tunnel … that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I have been volunteering as an active listener for “7 cups” which is a free online therapy and counseling platform and it has been an incredible journey. One thing I have learned from this experience is that you are never alone and people understand. Most importantly, there are ways to overcome harmful intrusive thoughts, and depression and anxiety-inducing thoughts. 

In honor of that, I wanted to list a few hopeful phrases, and just some personal favorite quotes of mine that bring positivity when all we seem to see is negativity. 

“What brings us to tears, will lead us to grace. Our pain is never wasted.”-Bob Goff

I know whatever you may be going through right now seems hopeless. You are allowed to grieve. But also know that what you are feeling will end. Your tears and pain never go to waste. They just make you more grateful for the things that bring you happiness.

“There are two medicines for all ills: time and silence.” -Alexander Dumas

Time and silence heal everything. It is the motto I will live and die with. Time heals all the hurt. Time makes you forget what made you feel strong emotions. Silence keeps you unbiased and makes you appreciate what you have. Everything will pass.

“I learned how to be happy because I know what unhappiness felt like.” -Lilly Singh

This is one of my favorite quotes because it is so true. Unhappiness makes us truly happy. If we didn’t know how it felt to be truly unhappy, we wouldn’t know how it felt to be truly happy. It’s all about comparison at the end of the day. It doesn’t mean we deserve unhappiness, but a good way of embracing our bad experiences is by looking forward to experiences that bring us overwhelming joy.

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.”– Roy T. Bennett

This specific quote gives me a lot of motivation for my future. When we think about our future, many of us feel an overwhelming sense of anxiety. Doubt and uncertainty can do that. But remember this: the only thing stopping you from truly achieving your goals is your fear of uncertainty and the fear that you are not good enough, but you are. You can be. If you truly want something, anything is possible.

“Regrets hold you back. Let the bad times build your experience and teach you lessons. Let the mistakes guide your success.”– Aakriti Chaturvedi

When I was going through tough times or made mistakes I would always tell myself this. Instead of beating myself up over mistakes I made, I would apologize to myself and to the people that I may have hurt. But I never dwelled on it. I sat and reflected on it. I embraced it and I went forward knowing to avoid a mistake like that. Mistakes build character. They make you a better person, especially if you can learn from them and make up for your wrongs.

“Behind every sadness comes a happiness…you just have to let it come to you.”– Aakriti Chaturvedi

Lastly, this is something I tell myself every time I feel overwhelming sadness. I have to stop everything and close my eyes and just say “this will end.” I deserve better and you do too. It is hard but it will be over, and if you feel like you will never be happy again, just know happiness will find you at times of need. It may take a while but it will arrive. Just wait.

For all of you going through it right now. Just know you are not alone and you WILL get through this. I believe in all of you! Plus, if you ever need anyone to talk to … I am a text away!

Take care, besties! 

I am a college student interested in Human Biology and Creative Writing. In my free time, I love writing poetry and I cover topics such as mental health, racism, global, and social justice issues! Being a writer for her campus inspires me to keep writing!