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Wellness > Mental Health

What it Means to Feel

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Krea chapter.

Happiness is being held together by threads and strings, but she’s there and she’s being held together, and when it feels as if she is fading away, she appears again and this time, she looks like she will stick around. You hold her hand, and when you go for a walk with her, she brings peace. You ask her, “Why did you leave?” and she doesn’t answer, because abandonment can’t be explained, and if it can be, it can’t be forgiven. You ask her, “Will you stick around now,” and she says, “no, I won’t.” And you know that she’s going to leave, and when she does, you’re still shocked. It still hurts, and it hurts so much, and what hurts the most is the fact that when she comes back, you will still accept her, as if you don’t feel like a child abandoned by its mother. 

Sadness sticks around, even when she leaves, she stays. She leaves footprints behind and when you can’t make sense of your sadness, you follow the footprints, hoping to reach the cave where she resides, but you never find it. You never find it and that’s unfortunate because you want to talk to her and ask her why she chose to visit you so randomly as if she’s an old friend who has the right to visit. You want to ask her why she hurt you so badly.  Sadness stays around for years sometimes, maybe she never leaves, maybe she is just good at hide and seek. Sadness sticks around, you wish she wouldn’t, but she does. You try to find the cave, but that seems impossible. You try to discover the reasons behind your sadness, but sometimes, she just comes around because she feels lonely and when you go to hug her, you wish you were kind enough to reject her.

Hope’s nose is broken. She’s bleeding from her lip, and when she stands up, her legs start shaking, but she still stands up. You thought of her as beautiful, as graceful as the first rays of sun after a cold winter, but she’s not half as pretty as you thought she would be. She’s not like a meadow you can run through. She’s like barren land after a war, you see the blood and the bodies, but a part of you knows that the flowers will bloom again and you know this for sure because you have seen gorier battles and you have seen even more beautiful flowers bloom from the destruction, and if you look closely enough, you might see the faces of everyone lost. When you get angry at her, she still sticks by you, when you accuse her of lying, when you scream at her, ‘Why would you lie to me about how much better the future would be?,” she stays calm and says, “One day, I’ll be right, but till then, hold on.”

Anger hurts. Her screams deafen you. Her glare blinds you, so you close your eyes, and when you open them again, there is destruction around you, and when you see her among the ruins, she doesn’t look like anger anymore, she looks like guilt, and maybe if you look back in time, you’ll realize that anger was nothing but a mask worn by all the Sadness inside you. You look closer and you’ll see Hope holding Sadness, and right behind Sadness, there is Happiness waiting for you.

Anger hurts. Her screams deafen you. Her glare blinds you, so you close your eyes, and when you open them again, there is destruction around you, and when you see her among the ruins, she doesn’t look like anger anymore, she looks like guilt, and maybe if you look back in time, you’ll realize that anger was nothing but a mask worn by all the Sadness inside you. You look closer and you’ll see Hope holding Sadness, and right behind Sadness, there is Happiness waiting for you.

Hi, I'm Disha. I'm an undergraduate student at Krea and I love writing. I am obsessed with poetry (especially those written by Ocean Vuong) and body art. I have four tattoos and I often read political theory in my free time. I love listening to songs and have my earphones plugged in 24/7.