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Why I’ve Always Wanted a Sister, As Told By “Full House”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Growing up, Full House was one of my favorite shows.  It seemed to be playing any time I turned on the television, and was the perfect feel-good show to watch when I was sick.  But I always seemed so jealous of the Tanner girls, and how much fun DJ, Stephanie, and Michelle had together. Growing up with only my older brother, I never got the chance to experience the joys (and the pains) of having older or younger sisters. Here are seven reasons why every episode of Full House made we wish for sisters!


1.     First of all, nobody taught me how to do my makeup. 

2.     And my brother never really understood the devastation of having a bad hair day. 


3.     There was nobody whose diary and private notes I could read. 

4.     Or whose clothes I could borrow. 

5.     Plus, dance parties always seemed cooler with girls around. 


6.     And sisters are so much better at heart-to-hearts.

7.     Even tattling on each other seemed more fun.


Of course, the Tanner household depicted a perhaps idealized family.  Not every girl with sisters has the same experiences that these three girls did.  But to my young and impressionable mind, having sisters seemed like the best way to grow up.


Images: Bustle.com, Giphy.com, Pinterest.com