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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.


Ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut after returning from Spring Break?  Well, you aren’t alone.  The transition back can be trickier in the spring. But don’t think about finals and all the projects you have to return to — rather, dwell on the positives that the last half of the semester brings! Here are a few tips on how to handle the final weeks of the semester:


1. Planning ahead.

Before you get back from break, help make your life easier by organizing your stuff.  I have a trick of shuffling around my clothes around for the new season (since I live only 2 hours away) but it helps to recycle your belongings so your room doesn’t feel so cluttered. Make sure to still have some jackets in case of chilly weather, or think about bringing a bike with you (if possible) for the warmer months ahead.  Try to have your homework finished and ready the night before your first class back — nothing compares to the feeling of being on top of your school work.


2. The weather is beautiful!

Finally, after a long, cold winter, the sunshine of spring is back! Now you don’t have to bundle up and worry about losing a glove on Middle Path.  Instead of lamenting the work you have to do, go outside! Sunshine definitely helps boost your spirits.  Enjoy the warm weather by studying outside with friends, playing frisbee on the lawn, going on a bike ride on the Kokosing Gap Trail or simply loving the feeling of getting to wear shorts again!


3. Daylight Savings Time.  

Now the days are longer, which gives us more daylight.  No more trekking to your 8:10 in the dark or walking back from dinner at Peirce in the chilly night air.  The fact that there’s more daylight gives us more time to do the activities outdoors that we love and also gives us the much missed sunlight we crave during the winter months.


4. Deadlines are over, results are in.  

Tis the season for applications, and whether it is for internships, study abroad forms, jobs, or grad-school applications, March and April usually are full of deadlines.  Once all of these things are completed, you can just sit back and wait patiently.  A trip to the CDO cn never hurt either, just to make sure your resume looks pristine.


5. There are only a few weeks left!

Don’t worry. Most of the hard part is over, and comps for most seniors will be due soon. This is the time to power through, since summer is right around the corner.  And don’t turn a blind eye to your friends here at Kenyon — spend as much time as you can with people (especially if they’re graduating or going abroad!). Go to all the plays, concerts, and other fun events that your friends and peers have worked hard on. It’s a great way to wrap up the year!


Spring break is a useful time to relax, visit friends, and get organized for the weeks ahead.  But after we get back to Kenyon, we need to remember not to complain so much about the stressful workload, but be grateful for being here at Kenyon to appreciate the small things that give us the comfort and relief we need. Good luck during the rest of the semester!

Image credits: Clara Yetter, Kenyon.edu