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Kenyon Horoscopes: Freshman Dorm Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

With just a month into school, hopefully the class of 2019 is settling in nicely, and are getting used to the communal living standards that feel much more like camp than adulthood.  


Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/410883165975043508/

That being said, I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all peeked in the back of a magazine to see what’s in store for our Zodiac sign – you know, just in case we need fair warning on what might come! Now, regardless of whether you take into account your rising sun and all that good stuff, or whether you can barely tell the difference between an Aquarius and an Aries (FYI, the fact that they both start with an A is the only similarity that they have), we can all admit that it’s fascinating to see what the stars have in store for us.

Source: https://imgflip.com/i/r1g7s

Now, I know that when I was filling out the housing form I scoured the Internet trying to get info on what distinguished each Freshman dorm here at Kenyon. It’s no secret that Kenyon Freshman housing is diverse, with different vibes for different kinds of people. So, sit back, and relax – unless you landed in a dorm without AC! And, Seniors, I hope this gives you some sort of nostalgia for those good ol’ Frosh days. Read on to find out which Freshman Dorm corresponds to your Zodiac sign!

McBride: Cancer, Leo, and Libra. Known as the “party” dorm, McBride is popping with Freshmen who think nothing of milling through rooms that aren’t theirs, playing music out loud, and getting to know their neighbors. Signs that are more emotional (such as water and fire signs) thrive in McBride. These are the dormmates that will hold back your hair when you puke after a little too many drinks, these are the friends that will buy you a pint of B&Js when boys just suck, and they will ALWAYS nag you to call your mom back.

Mather: Scorpio, Aquarius, and Sagittarius. McBride’s quieter twin, Mather is known for also being a pretty social dorm. However, due to the salty Sophomores who just weren’t lucky enough during the infamous housing lottery, independent signs will do the best here due to their ability to have a positive outlook and make the best of things. Mather is also an enigma; you’re bound to meet a Scorpio from Mather at a party only to never see them again due to their mysterious tendencies. I’ve been at Kenyon for a month now and can count on my hand how many Mather students I’ve met. Where do they go? Who knows!

Lewis: Taurus, Capricorn. You walk into Lewis and maybe there’s a couple people chilling in the common room, but for the most part, everyone’s door is closed and there’s little hallway traffic. Is it the lack of air conditioning that keeps things quiet in Lewis? Nah, its probably just the earth sign effect. The more outgoing of the three dorms opposite McBride and Mather, Lewis is perfect for earth signs. Everyone’s doors aren’t closed because they’re shy, it’s because they’re hard working and desire things to be orderly and organized. And this isn’t a bad thing; I always say that everyone could use a Taurus best friend!

Norton: Pisces, Virgo. Known for both being naturally shy, intelligent, and friendly, it’s a no brainer that these two signs are a perfect fit for Norton. Lewis’ quieter half, Norton is known for being more introverted and studious. The two dorms are very similar, however, so the best bet for Norton are earth signs who are chill, down to earth, and aren’t looking to start any drama. These are definitely the Zodiac signs that you’ll want to go to come finals week when you need some last minute cram sessions.

Gund:  Gemini, Aries. Knowing for being a bit eccentric, Gund is the best home for air and fire signs (talkers and doers). They are still quiet, but once they get to know the people in their dorm, they’ll feel comfortable arguing over a discussion in class, sharing common interests, and playing games where they can win (I think Cards Against Humanity have made 90% of their revenue from Gund students). These people are competitive, like to show off their skills, but also like an environment that is small and not overwhelming.

Disclaimer: Do not freak out if you’re a Virgo in McBride or a Libra in Lewis, this is purely for fun and to poke a little at the dorms we’re all growing to love. Hopefully everyone is starting to feel at home, and finding their place, regardless of their Zodiac sign!