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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Halloween is approaching us and in just a few short weeks we’ll be using Pinterest more than we ever do, searching endlessly for a cute Halloween costume and finding the local pop-up Spirit Halloween. But with Halloween comes college parties at frats, bars and houses, which means a lot of people and everyone getting really hot and sweaty. So I figured I’d list off some costumes that are perfect for parties since they don’t require a whole lot and are easy to dance in.

Let’s start with group costumes, it’s always so fun to have coordinating costumes with your friend group. A huge plus? You’ll never lose them in the crowd because you’re wearing the same thing or close to it.

1. Spice Girls

One day I’ll have enough friends to be the Spice Girls with. I just know being Baby Spice is what I was born to do and you can’t be Baby Spice without the four other spices. This is a simple costume because everyone can pick who they want to be and you can make the costume your own!

2. Kiss

Shameless plug incoming: my friend group went as Kiss last Halloween and it was such a fun costume. Just like the Spice Girls it’s easy to make personal. All you need? Some black clothing and some face paint.

3. Power Puff Girls

Grab 2 other friends and get some pink, yellow and blue clothes and boom you’re ready to save the world. Nothing is better than some sugar, spice and everything nice.

4. Playboy Bunnies

This one is a bit more risqué, but is such a cute idea. You can do it by yourself or have endless friends join you. You could even convince a guy friend to be Hugh Hefner!

5. A Tequila Shot

    This one’s really simple; get some white, green and tan clothing and tape on some words. Slap some glitter wherever you want and you have an adorable costume!


Okay it’s time for some couple’s costumes, these can also be used for group costumes if you’re single this Halloween!


1. Ross and Rachel

Now don’t get me wrong, Ross still is the worst Friends character, but this is a pretty cute and simple costume if you’re in a pinch! It’s all in the accessories really or you could go all out and wear a wet wedding dress (circa the first episode of Friends!)

2. Bonnie and Clyde

I mean if you get past the whole killing spree thing then this costume is perfect for you! Thrift stores are your best friend during Halloween and you could totally get this whole outfit at a thrift store! Just don’t carry your accessories on campus due to campus rules.

3. Juno

Now this one’s good for a house party or even a bar, but I wouldn’t really recommend wearing a pregnancy belly to a frat party due to lack of space to move! Still, this costume is totally recognizable and really simple.

4. Moonrise Kingdom

Shout out to Ariana Grande’s Instagram for some inspiration for this one. Her and Mac always had the cutest couple costumes and this one was no exception. Another simple costume you could find at the thrift store or even Forever 21. 

5. Jackie-O and JFK

With the trends going on this fall, this one is perfect because you’re for sure going to be able to find a cute Jackie inspired outfit! With a suit and some accessories, you’ll be ready to be the First Lady and the 35th President.

Okay, so sometimes Halloween is best in a single costume, and there is nothing wrong with that! You don’t have to worry about fighting with friends on who gets to be Posh spice and you don’t have to worry about your boyfriend texting you, “we can go as whatever, I don’t care.” Guess what Brad? You should care. So here’s some cute individual costumes.

1. Alien

This one’s super cute and you can really personalize this one. You just need some cute metallic clothes and probably more glitter then you want to spend cleaning up when you get home!

2. 70’s Chick

There’s so much to choose from regarding the seventies, whether you want to rock some bell bottoms if it’s cold outside or keep it simple with a cute skirt. The options are endless, stay groovy!

3. Rosie the Riveter

Nothing screams girl power like the classic Rosie the Riveter. Grab a jean button down, a red bandana and some red lipstick and you’re good to go. This one’s perfect if you get a last minute Halloween party invite!

4. Risky Business

Another costume perfect for a last minute party. Grab some boxers and an oversized button up, some sunglasses with some socks, and boom! You’re doing Tom Cruise better then Tom Cruise.

5. Devil/Angel

This one works for with a group or an individual if you want to go as one while a friend goes as the other, or you could rock it alone! It’s a costume that you don’t need one for the other. 

These are just a few ideas, get creative and go exploring your local thrift shops to find some totally awesome costumes. Most importantly, remember to have a safe and fun Halloween! 

A sophomore at Kent State University majoring in journalism with a minor in fashion media. I love to workout and hang out with friends and hike! I love reading and writing about fashion, health, and relationships and how to balance your life in college.
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.