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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kent State chapter.

Spring break is quickly approaching but with the pandemic still in full force, many people still are not comfortable traveling. If you are lucky enough to be one of the few who still has a spring break, you probably want to take full advantage of that. There are plenty of ways to get the most out of your week off even if you are not headed to the beach!

Have a Spa Week

Helloooo self-care?! This semester has been especially exhausting for most of us and you may or may not be keeping up on your self-care like you should. So, why not take the entire week to pamper yourself? Do one thing that makes you feel pampered each day. For example, on Monday, paint your nails, the next day, do a face mask or take a bath, etc. That way, you have something to look forward to each day and get to spoil yourself. Do not be afraid to splurge on the bath bombs either!

Revamp Your Space

What a great time to refresh your bedroom or office area! With everything being online lately, I have been spending a lot of time at my desk in my room. Which means I get bored of my space even faster than I did before. Take this time to reorganize, rearrange and redecorate your girl-cave. Trust me, the mental and physical refresh will be much appreciated once we get back for finals.

Try a New Place in Town

Just because you are not going to the beach out of town at all does not mean you still cannot be a tourist! I guarantee there is a restaurant or local shop you have not visited in your area yet. So, give it a shot! Bonus points if you support local!!

Take a Virtual Class

Okay, I know, you are already taking five or more virtual classes in school right now but hear me out. There are thousands of free courses online that you can take to learn anything!! Sometimes we do not always have a choice on what classes we take in school and this is a great way to broaden your horizons and learn something you may not have otherwise. Mashable has a great list of free courses and places where you can learn almost anything for free!

Spend Time Outdoors

The weather is finallyyyy starting to feel like spring!! Start taking full advantage of that by going on walks, finding new trails in your area or even making art with sidewalk chalk! It may not be as warm as some of the places you could travel, but the fresh air does more for your mind and body no matter where you are. 

DIY Crafts

I made my own candle and it was so easy and so fun that I wanted to make ten more!! Cute and easy crafts are a great way to fuel your mind and bring some much needed creativity into your week. Here are some great crafts to try at home!!

Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are a great way to “visit” or see places that you may never have been able to otherwise! You will be transported into that location from the safety of your own home, yet still experience something new and unique. Try some of these free, virtual tours!

Cook/Bake Something New

Personally, I am a horrible cook and not a very great baker. However, I love to try! Use this time off to hone your skills and try one of those recipes you saved to your Pinterest board forever ago. You could even do themed-dinner nights and create a meal each day from a different country if you are up for the challenge!

Themed Movie Nights

Personally, I will be using my time to catch up on all the new releases Netflix has put out during the semester! Movie nights can seem basic and overdone. But not if you really go all out! I am talking dressing up as characters, making blanket forts and eating an excessive amount of popcorn and candy. If you are really up for a challenge, you could combine this with number eight and create a meal based around whatever movie you choose to watch. 

Just because you are playing it safe and staying home this spring break, does not mean you still cannot have fun with your time off! Remember to get creative and have fun with it. FOMO? Never heard of her. 

Cassidy Gladieux

Kent State '23

Cassidy is a junior journalism student at Kent State minoring in creative writing. This is her third year writing for Her Campus and first year as a senior editor. Cassidy is also a features writer for KentWired. In her free time, she loves to read, go on runs, and cuddle with her dog. In the future, Cassidy hopes to write for a digital magazine and travel around the world!
Junior at Kent State, with a mojor in journalism and a minor in fashion media. I like to write about fashion, lifestyle and Harry Styles.