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Using the Law of Attraction to Manifest Your 2020 Vision

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

As we bring in the New Year and close this decade, many of us are reflecting on what we have done thus far in life and what line of action we will take on our unique journeys toward self-improvement. What will you do to manifest your goals in the time to come? How can you start to reshape and conquer the goals you have? What will it take to manifest a life full of positivity, growth, and success? Start by using the law of attraction.

You CAN manifest and create the life you want for yourself by shifting your focus to the things you want to happen instead of the things you do not want to happen. Having faith in yourself is so important. For example, many older people continuously say how they wish they started something when they were younger. Still, worry, doubt, and fear crept in and apprehended the vision they wanted to create for themselves. Putting too much focus on what could go wrong instead of what could go right is a constant downfall for many dreamers. Stop thinking about how much that business project you have could potentially fail and start. Many thoughts of negativity prevent us from even attempting to put our dreams into action. The law of attraction states that the things you focus on are the things you end up attracting more of into your life. Negative thoughts, even those that you feel are not true, are bound to create an emotional vibration within you. You take on the energy carried along by the problems, doubts, and worries, and it creeps into the actions you take; it may even cause you to take no action at all.

Many of us find ourselves viewing the world as some mesmerizing, intimidating reality that causes us to reframe the ideals we have toward our reality. We have to start imposing our reality into the world and implementing the goals we want. Just as the law of attraction states that you can attract negative things with negative thoughts, you can also attract positive things with positive thoughts. You have worried about things for long enough; it’s time to start focusing on the creation and the “what ifs” that are positive. For example, think about “what if my business becomes a multimillion-dollar company?” instead of “what if this investment goes nowhere?”. Creating some positive vision and taking action towards that vision will seem more seamless and effortless once you have reconstructed your mindset surrounding the good you want to come.

“Your direction is more important than your speed” -Lucia Litman

It is not going to be easy; you will get discouraged and frustrated. But stick with it. You will never get out of your comfort zone and sense of complacency if you don’t experience and work through feeling uncomfortable. After months of focusing on things you want to create, you will find that sense of calmness again, and you will feel better about yourself.

Every action begins with a thought. Some may say that your thoughts don’t create your reality because they are minuscule and may never truly be heard, but an idea followed by clear intention and action are essential in manifesting your goals. When the quality of your thoughts improves, the quality of your actions is bound to grow as well. Although the law of attraction is a much deeper topic, and it takes more exposure to this idea to truly fulfill it, this surface-level ideology is excellent to keep in mind coming into the new year. Set your intentions on the focus of creating your reality and removing all of the limits you have created for yourself. Your limitation is only a figment of your imagination. 


Jasmine Holland

Kennesaw '22

I am a junior marketing major at Kennesaw State University from Augusta, Georgia #706 :) I love to write about topics relating to my own experiences, fitness, veganism, and anything that could make someone happy and/or motivate and inspire them. //ig:@plantingjasmines //ig: @jasminexmonique
A collegiette's guide to life from the KSU chapter of Her Campus!