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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

Working out is hard. It’s really hard. Have you ever been in the middle of a HIIT circuit trying to finish your last rep but your arms and legs are giving out, you’re sure you pulled a muscle, and sweat is literally blinding you? Okay, maybe not. That was really specific. My bad. I’ve been in the middle of that circuit one too many times. And, you know what? It was hard and it sucked. But do you know what’s harder? Finding the motivation to get off the couch or my bed, and start that workout in the first place! Working out feels great when you’re finished. Most times, it feels good when you’re doing it — especially if you’re listening to good music or with friends. Making the decision to work out and then getting up and actually doing it…that’s the hardest thing I’ve had to do this year.

I was a very active child and teenager. I’ve been in sports throughout my entire life. Those sports made it a necessity to work out and stay in shape. I never had to motivate myself because it was a literal requirement that I condition at practice. However, when I came to college I stopped doing those sports and found it hard to find time to work out. I came up with so many “completely reasonable” excuses, to why I couldn’t, that I ended up believing them. And that was fine for a while. Occasionally, when I’m bored I’ll stretch or do some light cardio. But now, that’s not enough. Physically, I still look the same as I did my freshman year. But I can tell that my health is starting to decline and I’m not as happy with myself as I was before. Not to mention, I’m now “almost diabetic” — whatever that means. So, I’ve been trying to find ways to motivate myself to work out again. And I think that I found it.

It’s important to me that I feel comfortable when and where I work out. Unless I’m going with a workout partner or a friend, I can’t just walk into any gym and start doing my thing. I don’t work that way. It also has to be fun for me. Like, I actually have to enjoy it. Usually, that’s one of the reasons I end up not going. I can’t force myself to enjoy anything. Hear me out though. What I mean is, I don’t think normal workouts or normal gyms are going to work for me right now. I need something else. A kickboxing fitness gym just opened up near me. That sounds interesting.

I also need someone to push me and make me push myself when I’m in the gym. Usually, that’s a friend, because I’m super competitive. But, we’re all “adulting” now and schedules don’t line up, so I have to go by myself. Maybe the solution to that is a coach or trainer. Small classes or Zoom training. I’m not sure yet. But I have a few ideas in my head that I want to try. I think the most important thing when trying to find the motivation to do anything, is asking yourself what you liked about doing it when you did have that motivation. I liked working out because it made me happy. It calmed me down when I was upset or feeling too much. It connects me to my dad. It reminds me of all the friends I made and of other great memories. Now that I need to work out and it’s not just an “I want” or “I should,” these are the things going through my head. They’re actually doing a pretty great job of motivating me right now.

I’m not sure if any of you are having this same issue with working out, or motivation in general. But if you are, I hope sharing this helps you. We’ll get through this together. And if any of you are looking for a workout or accountability partner, I’m always free!

Hi, I’m Jazmine! I am an English Education major at Kennesaw State University. I am also a writer for HC at KSU. Follow me on Instagram! (@jazminenxcole)