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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kennesaw chapter.

Following her overdose in 2018, Demi Lovato has released a new album and a four-part docuseries where she lays everything out on the table. 

In her docuseries, Demi takes us back to nights leading up to her overdose, and the night it happened. Her family, friends, and team are interviewed throughout the series sharing their perspective on what happened and Demi’s growth. Her new album mirrors the majority of the series, from the overdose to the art of starting over and finding love only to discover that love ain’t love to begin with. Demi continues to be authentic through her art, giving others the opportunity, to be honest about their own healing. 

While the content of her series is heavy, the album offers soulful ballads and some serious springtime vibes. Demi also doesn’t hold back on her sexual identity either, although she doesn’t adhere to labels, her song The Kind of Lover I Am is bound to be a newfound favorite amongst bisexuals and the LGTBQ+ community. 

Whether you watch her docuseries or not, Demi Lovato’s transparency through her album tells the story of a woman who once was once dancing with the devil and is now thriving in the art of starting over. 

Melissa Walsh

Kennesaw '22

Melissa is a Senior at Kennesaw studying both Journalism and Political Science. Her interests include politics, environmental issues, and human rights. In addition to being a writer for the Kennesaw Chapter, Melissa also serves as senior editor.
A collegiette's guide to life from the KSU chapter of Her Campus!