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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

If you are scrolling through your Netlix’s suggestions because you don’t really know what to watch… this article is for you. No matter what perception you have of feminism, or if you are a woman or a man, this documentary will give you knowledge to understand the movement in a better way.

« Feminists : what where they thinking ? »

Produced by Johanna Demetrakas 

Johanna Demetrakas, born in 1937, was a director, a producer and a writer. She also taught at CalArts and was part of one of the biggest feminist movements at that time in the 70s which consisted of taking pictures of women the way they wanted to be seen, not as mothers or maids but as their own human being; she did not want them to play a role, she wanted to see reality in those pictures. Then, years after she decided to recall those women to know how they feel now about their old pictures and how it helped to fight for the cause. Let me tell you that the result is incredibly beautiful.

Women in this film took power over their own transformation and helped inspire a global shift in women’s identity. How often do we question ourselves, as women, on our identity or the way people see us in society ? Why would a society judge us? How could women accept this wrong perception for so long?

Scrabble tiles spelling "feminist"
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash
One thing I loved the most about this documentary is that it also clarifies the true definition of the movement; the belief in social, economic and political equality of the sexes. Effectively, it does not transmit a negative image of feminists but a realistic one. 

I don’t know how I did not see this documentary earlier. It speaks about the history of feminism with touching and meaningful testimonies from women who have suffered and who have fought so that WE can be who WE are and who WE want to be today.

If you have to remember one thing from this article it is: WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY.


Hi! My name is Manon, I am from France and I have been traveling the world my whole life. Exploring different countries is something I am passionate about it, I love connections and differences between cultures. I would love to write about everything on this world that deserve to be known !