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Photo Courtesy of Samantha Barth
Style > Beauty

5 Products to Help Make-Up Yourself

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at KCL chapter.

A discussion about makeup.


-I like makeup, I have liked it since I was a child. I remember the silly lip smackers and the sparkly eyeshadows in plastic phones. Now that I am 20 years old, I put makeup on most days. I follow the same routine every day, maybe I add some eyeliner or eyeshadow if I’m going on a night out. Some days I put less makeup on but my point is, I like makeup and I wear it nearly every day. It is like playing pretend. I get to choose how I look.

I am frequently envious of other people’s makeup. For some, their makeup stays on all day long and it makes me frustrated because mine slides off my face halfway through the day. Their ‘face’ stays on all day. The ‘face’ that they create to show to others. I cannot manage to make mine stay on all day.

One of my best friends carries a small makeup bag with her everywhere and I have started to do the same. If I feel that my makeup is slipping, I will go into the bathroom and reapply. I wonder if she carries one for the same reason that I do.

I am also jealous of the people who don’t wear makeup. They do it intentionally and I think that they must feel free. They do not have to worry about their powder drying out the skin above their lip, or their mascara flaking onto their face. Nothing ever slips off. They are just in plain sight. Self-assured.

I guess in some ways makeup is like a coping mechanism, a way to control how I am perceived. I wouldn’t say it is a mask, I think that narrative is damaging.

When I look into my future, I can see myself applying makeup in the bathroom mirror of my future house. The makeup bag is more refined, it is smaller in size, and the products are not from the drugstore. I apply them in the same way that I do now but I will not hold on to the idea that the products will stay on all day long. I will have accepted that I cannot curate one image of myself and hold onto it for an entire day. I will be self-assured but flexible. I will not get frustrated when I say something that is a bit too loud or if I did not make anyone laugh. There will always be that part of me who enjoys the sparkly eyeshadow, who wants to take some control in showing people who I am, but if I slip up, I know that I am just human. –

5 products that will not dry out your skin in the cold weather

I said previously that I like makeup but I failed to mention that I spend too much money on makeup. I am hoping that with age, as my makeup bag becomes condensed, then my spending will reduce. However just like I have not quite managed to accept that it is not necessary to hold onto one image of myself and perform that all day long, I have not yet discovered the art of saving my money. There is a benefit to my bad habits, I am now able to share with you the products that are definitely worth your money. These products all work wonders for me, and I hope they do the same for you.

CeraVe Moisturising Cream

I have dry skin and this moisturiser is a godsend. I have a huge tub of it and it never seems to run out. The consistency is on the thicker side but it’s not greasy in the slightest. This is the perfect everyday moisturiser. I cannot promise that it will save your skin in the cold weather but for the price, it helps to relieve that horrible dry feeling.

Currently £12.80 at Boots

Elf Illuminating Putty Primer

This gives your face a nice sparkle and feels super soft to apply. It has a creamy consistency and I also find that it feels like a second moisturiser. I would recommend that you wait a bit before applying any products straight on top because it needs some time to set.

£9 at Boots

Glossier lip products

I absolutely love the ‘Ultralip’ lip balms They have a subtle pigmentation and are really moisturising. They feel like lip gloss but without any stickiness. My favourite shades are Trench, Lucite, and Villa.

Trench is a slightly more nude brown, so it is perfect for a darker winter makeup look.

£14 on the Glossier site

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Dew Drops

This product is inspired by Korean skincare products. It works like magic. Every time I use it my face feels and looks hydrated. It’s a very gentle product, despite the watermelon scent. It also has the benefits of niacinamide. If you’re still looking for your go-to face serum, then I cannot recommend one more than this.

£31 in CultBeauty (they have a student discount)

REFY Beauty Cream Bronzer

I purchased this recently during the Black Friday sales and I am now its biggest fan. The application is ridiculously smooth, and the colour is the perfect level of pigmentation. The product comes in a couple of different shades- I have an olive complexion and I tend to get slightly paler during the winter season, so I went for the shade Sand. It is slightly more expensive than drugstore bronzers, but it feels completely high-end. I find that it is compatible with a variety of powder bronzers so don’t worry about it going patchy. This really is the perfect cream bronzer.

£18 on the REFY site

Marissa Goursaud is the social media manager and marketing officer for Her Campus King's College London. In her role she updates the societies socials to keep everyone informed on the latest articles written by HC KCL's wonderful writers. Marissa is 21 years old and is and currently in her final year at Kings studying English. Marissa also spent a semester abroad at UC Berkeley. She is planning to go into journalism after finishing university. Her interests include reading, listening to 70’s music, going to Harry Styles concerts, and rewatching La La Land.