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Writing for your mental health- journal prompts to get you started

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

We’ve been through a whirlwind this semester as we adjusted back to in-person classes and activities. While it has been amazing it also came with challenges. Everything has continually changed and continues to do so which doesn’t make anything easy. Prioritizing your mental health is crucial and a necessity as we continue to see what the world throws our way.

Being a writing major, a writer for Her Campus JMU, and writing for work it’s no secret that I am always writing. It is a part of my daily routine and can be a lifesaver on days I feel too overwhelmed. 

As a mental health advocate, I am constantly looking for new self-care ideas and ways to help mental health. After a while, I realized my biggest self-care activity was writing! I don’t mean that my homework or HC articles are self-care (although I do enjoy them.) Writing for self-care is a different form and takes a mindset change. Here are some journaling prompts I’ve used and some I have found that help your writing benefit your mental health. 

  • What was your favorite moment today?
  • Write about a shitty moment that happened today and why you felt that way.
  • Write about what made you smile today.
  • Write a letter to your past self.
  • Write a letter to someone who has helped you in life. 
  • Write a letter to someone who has added stress and trauma to your life. Tell them how you feel and how you’ve healed. Write everything down that you would like to say to them and then rip the letter up.
  • Write down the songs that make you feel good.
  • Write about your favorite person. Why do you appreciate them?
  • What is holding you back? How can you change that?
  • What are three goals you have to improve yourself?
  • Write a poem (rhyme or no rhyme) about your favorite thing and how much you love it.
  • Write a letter forgiving yourself for doing something you regret. Acknowledge the changes you’ve made.
  • Write ten things your high school self would be proud of you for. 
  • What does your dream future look like?
  • Think of your favorite relationship and write a song about it.
  • Word vomit- don’t think just put stuff on paper. 
  • What could you improve on this week? 
  • Write about a time you’ve felt perfectly content and happy. Describe it by using all five senses.
  • Write a bucket list for this winter. 
  • Write a bucket list for next year.
  • Write a bucket list for your life.
  • Why are you in your major? Write about it and explain how it makes you feel.
  • If you could do anything right now, what would it be?

There are plenty more topics to think about and write about. Nothing is off the table as this writing exercise should be tailored to your needs! Take care of yourself by taking a couple of minutes each day to sit down and write. Your mind will thank you for it! 

Kate is majoring in writing, rhetoric, and technical communication and minoring in entrepreneurship. You can usually find her at Starbucks and listening to true crime podcasts.