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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JMU chapter.

As finals week is coming and going for many, students need all the help they can get to perform to the best of their ability. Perhaps you study the best while having Taylor Swift, Grey’s Anatomy, or a podcast going on in the background. But personally, I’ve never been able to work while listening to anything with words – I just end up singing along to the songs or listening to the people talking, and not actually getting any work done! That’s why it’s very important for me to have instrumental music while studying, so I don’t get distracted by what’s actually supposed to help me focus. So for those who are like me, here’s a sneak peek into my personal “study music” YouTube playlist of instrumental compilations that I listen to and love while studying. Hopefully, these will be helpful to some of you, too!

I love instrumentals that remind me of something. Particularly those that I associate with nostalgia or comfort. Which is why I love to listen to Disney movie soundtrack videos. Here are some of my favorites if you’re interested in some magical vibes while making those flashcards!

For those who grew up with Barbie, this is some nostalgic music for you, too!

I’m also a big fan of jazz – Billie Holiday was in my top artists for my Apple Music Replay this year. Soundtracks like Charlie Brown are also great jazz playlists that have that nostalgia embedded into it, as well.

Here are some fantastical soundtracks to your Quizlet studying. Sometimes it’s necessary to feel like you’re on an adventure while running through biology flashcards!

I also love the instrumental compilations that have such niche imaginative titles like, “You’re an elf in a fantasy woodland world playing the flute with fairies flying around, and it’s almost yule” or something crazy specific like that. I think it’s so fun that people use music as a form of escapism and as an outlet for imagination in so many different ways – it also helps to romanticize studying.

And if you don’t like mellow and classical music as much, here are some alternatives for you, as well!

I hope at least one of those video titles caught your eye! There’s a lot of variety in here, so there’s something for everybody. Happy studying, everyone!

Alexa is a Communications major and a Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies minor.