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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

For the longest time, I avoided YouTube fitness channels like the plague. However, when the country became plagued by coronavirus this past spring, I found myself turning to YouTube fitness gurus for ways to stay fit during the pandemic. 

I tried out a number of channels and eventually found a few gurus who are motivating as well as reliable. I know that it can be discouraging to try and find fitness YouTubers who aren’t overly peppy to the point of making you want to turn off the video and call it a day. If you’re looking for some encouraging, trustworthy YouTubers to help keep you active over break, keep reading!



MadFit is by far my favorite fitness channel! Her videos are not limited to her amazing HIIT videos; a former dancer, Maddie makes full body dance workouts to popular music. Her dance videos are a great way to get some cardio in while really just having a good time and enjoying some good tunes J Some of my favorite videos are her 30 Minute Dancer Sculpt workouts, the Adore You – Harry Styles song workout, and the 15 Minute 2010s Dance Workout!


Pamela Reif

Pamela Reif caught my attention for similar reasons to MadFit; she has some song workouts which I find to be really motivating! I also found Pamela’s videos to be super easy to do at home during lockdown, as there were plenty of equipment free options. The two Pamela Reif videos that I go back to most often are her South of the Border lower body song workout and her 10 Minute upper body workout.


Chloe Ting

If the name Chloe Ting gets your fight or flight instinct going, I’m right there with you. Every time I finished one of Chloe Ting’s videos, I wanted to chop my arms off and never workout again, and yet, like a moth drawn to a flame or a Cancer drawn to her toxic Scorpio ex, I keep coming back to her videos. I started doing Chloe Ting videos as individual workouts about a month before I hopped on the Chloe Ting Challenge trend. Once I completed the 26 Day Hourglass challenge, I felt stronger, but what was more interesting was that I felt more intrinsically motivated to workout. If you feel like challenging yourself I’d definitely recommend giving one of her programs a shot! But consider making your own playlist to play over her videos; the royalty free music is only fun the first few times.

Hey there, my name is Amelia! I am a psychology major who loves music, food, writing, and watching movies!