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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

We are not foreign to self-deprecating thoughts, negative affirmations, and beating ourselves over failure. What if instead we treated ourselves with love and compassion.

It’s easy to be harsh, but is that how we treat our friends? Think about the last time you experienced failure and how you responded to it. Our reaction to our friends’ dejection is often more caring, gentle, and respectful of their feelings rather than mean, aggressive, and unsympathetic. 

Begin by accepting the situation you are in and knowing that you tried your best. In many stressful situations such as competitions, major life changes, or standardized tests, we tend to second-guess our abilities and become resistant to positive affirmations. In times like these, think of all the hard work you put in to prepare for the moment. 

Once you’ve tackled your inner demons, backtrack to fix your mistakes. Identify where you went wrong and what you could’ve done differently for your desired outcome. Sometimes a different approach is what you need to succeed. 

Most importantly, be proud of yourself and how far you’ve come without comparing yourself to someone else. Failure isn’t black and white, there are many shades of improvement and change that can be seen. 

For when you’re struggling, here are some things to lessen the stress!

  • Go for a walk
  • Talk to a friend
  • Do some guided meditation
  • Plan ahead for your next challenge!
Hello, my name is Radhika and I'm an avid poet and writer. I love sharing my experiences and thoughts through poetry or blogs!