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How to Motivate Yourself for “Le Push”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Jefferson chapter.

I’ve always called the last quarter of the semester “Le Push” or “The Push.” The last 6 weeks of the semester have earned this titled because motivation dwindles, assignments seem 10x harder, and getting yourself to focus feels like trying to entertain a toddler. These are some of the tricks I’ve picked up to ensure I finish the semester strong.


Give Yourself a Break:

The feeling “Le Push” brings is probably due to the nice weather. You definitely don’t want to be inside when it feels like there are 300 other, more fun things you can be doing than school. It’s really important to still enjoy the amazing weather while you have it. So… I like to take frequent breaks. These breaks usually occur between each assignment or if it is a long assignment, at a comfortable stopping point. This allows me not only to feel refreshed but also come back to the assignment with a fresh pair of eyes. This usually helps me improve the work.

Move outdoors:

Move outdoors to do homework or studying. This move from indoors to outdoors allows me personally feel more accomplished. Getting dressed to be in public while still doing my own thing sets me up with a productive mindset. Leaving your bed, desk, or room and moving to a different more public space can keep you accountable in your tasks.

Social studying:

This can be a “hit or miss” with certain individuals. For me, I like to study in a group. We don’t necessarily have to be studying the same topics but being in a space where everyone else is working helps keep me on track with my own work. This again usually only works if everyone around you is also motivated to do their work.

Meet in the Middle:

I’ve always been an advocate for just pushing through assignments no matter how difficult they seem. This can sometimes have a huge negative impact on mental health especially during the change in seasons. I think this is a time when it is really important to think about what you need as an individual. If that means turning in an assignment late, then do so. Work with your teachers and professors. Email them and explain your situation. More often times than not they will resonate with your feelings. If this idea causes you even more stress, then come up with a plan. If you’re putting all this stress onto yourself about school, then what nice thing can you do for yourself after you’ve finished? Reward yourself for your hard work.



The best thing about “Le Push” is that your semester is almost complete, and a break is on the way! School is important but you’re MORE important. Take care of yourself and the rest will follow. Good luck!!

Mari Adamson

Jefferson '24

Mari is a 4th year at Jefferson University, majoring in health sciences and enrolled in the Pre-Physician's Assistant Program with a minor in Law. In her spare time she enjoys hiking and finding new places to eat. She also has a passion for photography and self-care!