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Things We Should’ve Learned By Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at JCU chapter.

Don’t wonder if he likes the way that you dress because it is more important that you like the way that you dress.

It is okay to fail a test, it’s okay to have gained weight, it’s okay to be single, and it’s okay to lose a job. You’ll wake up tomorrow and you’ll try again. These things are not the ends of the world.

Your best friend at 18 might not be your best friend at 28, and that’s alright.

Sadness is not beautiful. No matter how much society or the media romanticizes it, it is not anything to be strived for.

The past cannot be changed with even the biggest mountains of guilt, and the future cannot be changed with hours of anxiety and worry.

Apologizing for who you are is not an option; do not drown yourself for people who will not even step in the water for you.

Mirrors are just glass and scales are just numbers, they do not define who you are.

Now matter how old you get, you can always sing loudly in the car to boy bands, jump in leaf piles, and talk in a silly voice to babies and puppies.

Dreams do not weaken you.

The boy you love when you’re 16 will probably break your heart.

You should love every part of yourself, even the parts that you were taught to hate.

Everything will be okay.