Everyone does it, but no one likes to talk about it: going number two! There is societal discord about hitting the deuce somewhere other than home, but when you got to go, you’ve got to go. Being a student comes with many places to use the bathroom when need be, and luckily IUP is full of them! I’ve been a student here since 2022, and I’ve made it a mission to use the restroom in every building. And I am here to say that I have. This is a list of the top six best places to use the bathroom here on campus!
My room
I feel like this is an obvious number one! You can go use the bathroom in your birthday suit (unless you have a roommate maybe). I have a stool in my bathroom, which makes for an easy do the doo session. There really isn’t anything else I can say about my bathroom. It is everyone’s number one.
The COOP store bathroom (after closing)
There is a seldom used bathroom in the HUB building. If you take the elevator next to the HUB Ohio room downstairs, the bathrooms will be to your left. Once, I had to throw down some bombs, and I was in there for a good 10 minutes. Not a soul came inside. It was perfect. Now, I will say I went when the CO-OP was closed, so results may vary.
Third-Floor Bathroom in the Library
The library is the best place to study and the second-best place to lay down some bricks. One early morning around 8:30, I went to Starbucks and asked for a venti latte with no whipped cream, oat milk, and a shot of cinnamon dulce. Well, I got my drink and enjoyed that thing in my 9:10am class, when around 9:40am it happens. My stomach is cranking that Batman, and I must go! As soon as we were let out, I raced to the library, as it was the closest building near me (I didn’t unburden my bowels in the building I was in because it was soo crowded :( ). I raced to the bathroom and clenched so tightly my butt was concave. As soon as I got to that toilet, I. Let. It. Loose. I was able to serve my time all alone, but someone did come in right as I was finished.
Jane Leonard First Floor All-Gender Restroom
There are all-gender restrooms littered on the campus, and Jane Leonard has the best one. The bathroom in the cut on the first floor is good as well (only two stalls, I think), but that all gender restroom is one to write home about. It is secluded, so people won’t knock on the door asking when you’re done. It is HUGE, so you can sit a bit more comfortably when you need to make room for lunch. However, there is nowhere to sit your belongings, so it makes it a bit awkward if you’re coming from class. Plus, the lights are cool-lights, and they throw off the experience for me a bit.
Almost any Sutton Hall Restroom
Sutton Hall used to be a dormitory (bet you didn’t know that). It now holds IUP’s museum and administration office. And so, there are many bathrooms in that building that remain untouched because hardly anyone goes there. But I did hear that there is asbestos on the upper floors. So, I may have mesothelioma in the future. YOLO!
Literally anywhere on campus at night
People are at their respective clubs, in bed, or maybe at a bar (who am I to judge?). Not many people reside in the campus buildings from 7-9, and I believe those are the best times to use any bathroom on campus. In my experience, I’ve released the kraken in Jane Leonard late at night in a commonly used bathroom with no interruptions. It’s very quiet too, which aids for a relaxing meeting with my butt and the toilet.