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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

When I was a freshman, I was very excited to move out of my house. I looked forward to it for most of my senior year of high school. However, the nuance of being away at school sometimes wears offs as the semester goes on. Even as a senior in college, I still enjoy the occasional weekend trip home to relax, recoup and enjoy the different perks of being among family and friends. Though everyone’s home life and experience are different, there are certain aspects that I think most college students would agree they enjoy. 


1. The food

I LOVE going home and eating a home-cooked meal. Sometimes I don’t get a home-cooked meal, however, even if it isn’t home-cooked meal, I still enjoy the fact that I a) don’t have to make it usually, b) I don’t have to buy it and c) occasionally, my mom sends me home with leftovers which is always a plus. 

Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash


2. Your own bed

Yes, you have a bed at school but it most likely has either been slept on by many different college students or is the extra bed from your grandparent’s friend’s house and has a giant divot in the middle. Whereas your bed from home is barely slept on has that familiar feel and smell. 

Photo by https://globalimagecreation.com/hotel-social-media-marketing-strategy-tips


3. Your pets

If you don’t have pets, I feel bad for you because they are a BIG highlight of being home. Even if your friends have pets, or you volunteer at a shelter or enjoy the therapy dogs on campus, no pet compares to your own and the light in their eyes when they get to see you. 

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash


4. Siblings

Even though we hate to admit it, we miss them. There is no one in your life that you have that relationship with, no one who can push your buttons quite like them.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


5. Freebies.

If you have never taken freebies from your house then good for you. However, I think most of us can admit that we have taken and or have been given our fair share of freebies from our homes. The ‘poor college kid’ card gets played a lot in this scenario. Toothpaste, granola bars, spaghetti sauce, toilet paper, you name it, my mom has either given it to me because she had extra or I have taken, because I could see that we had extra. 

Photo by https://www.freepik.com/premium-photo/woman-hand-open-empty-wallet-closeup_3560476.htm


Even if there are aspects of your home life that you don’t like or that aren’t enjoyable, there is probably something that you find enjoyable and comforting about being in your home environment. If you find yourself feeling upset and overwhelmed, it may just be that you need a trip home. 

Cats and Caffeine are key.