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How to Start Your Semester Off on the Right Foot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

It’s a new semester. That means it is a new opportunity to start fresh with your goals. A lot of people tend to look back at their previous semester and realize the mistakes they made during it and decide that they want to better themselves. However, often times they are stuck figuring out what will help them accomplish their goals. Here are a few tips are how to plan to conquer your goals this semester.

  1. Use a planner or calendar. Photo by Renata-Adrenn                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Using a planner will help you organize your goals on paper and you can plan ahead what homework assignments, projects or tests need to be completed. Trying to cram everything you need to do in your head will stress you out because you might forget about something or your thoughts will get overloaded and overwhelming.

  2. Develop a routine. Developing a routine will help you get ready during the semester a lot easier if you try and do the same thing over again. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, by developing the routine of eating more salads and going to the gym it will become a habit and it will be easier for you to accomplish that goal.

  3. Set rules for yourself. Setting rules for yourself will help you focus on what you need to do to accomplish your goals rather than what you want to do that may distract you from what you need. If you want to lose weight, setting rules on how often you eat junk food or how often you should go to the gym will lead you to finishing your goals.

  4. Create your own deadline, before the actual deadline. Photo by Andrew Neel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Creating your own deadline will help you tremendously because it will make your finish projects earlier so you have more time to accomplish everything you want. Procrastination is a huge enemy within college students, and students are constantly waiting until the day of the deadline to do the work and panicking about it. If you make a deadline before your actual deadline, you will feel less stressed and more happy.

I am a junior at IUP who hopes to one day major either in Public Relations or Political Science with an obsession with music.