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Anna Schultz-Girl On Computer Stress
Anna Schultz-Girl On Computer Stress
Anna Schultz / Her Campus
Life > Academics

Survival Guide to Finals Week!

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IUP chapter.

 This time of year, for college students, can be super stressful, with final projects, exams, and personal things in general that you have goin on. It is the last few weeks of the semester, and you just want to be done already, the burnout and exhaustion have gotten to you! Here are some tips to finish these last few weeks of the semester strong! 

  1. Figure out the best studying technique that works best for you! Everyone studies differently, so it is important that you are aware of how you retain information! These could be flashcards, rewriting notes, simply reading notes, or making a Quizlet. With personal situations and some of us who might have to work, it can be hard to find time to study. However, by finding the right strategy that works for you, and making at least half an hour (or more) each day to study, you will most likely be successful! 
  1. Do not forget to sleep and eat! This time can be stressful like I have said before, and it is so easy to forget to eat a meal or get the right amount of sleep each night. I am guilty of this, as I am sure all of you; however, just taking the time to sleep or eat something will help improve your cognitive skills for the crucial last few weeks of exams and projects. 
  1. Take some time for yourself. It is important, even if it is only 15 minutes of your day, to take the time to do something you enjoy (reading a book, listening to music, watching your favorite show, or just meditating). This may help to make yourself a priority first, and then school. I have struggled with this because I get so anxious over my schoolwork but taking a few minutes each day to just reflect or do something that I enjoy helps me relax and stay focused.  
  1. BREATH! To whoever may be reading this, you got this. Grab your water bottle, a coffee, go to your favorite place to study, just turn on some classical music, and put that phone on Do Not Disturb. Finals week is the best and hardest time of the semester, so make it count, but do not forget to take a deep breath. You are capable and remember (C’s get degrees!).
Emily Beyer is a writer at the Her Campus Chapter at IUP. Beyond Her Campus, Emily works at a local elementary schools after school program and oversees a group of K-2 graders. She has been to many professional development conferences to further her studies in education. Emily is a senior at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania majoring in Early Childhood & Special Education. In her free time, Emily loves to write, shop, watch Grey's Anatomy, and listen to podcasts. Also, she enjoys going to the gym and working out as a distraction from her studies.