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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at IU chapter.

Perhaps it’s the abundance of “50 Shades of Grey” advertisements, articles and opinions drowning the Internet. Maybe, it’s because we’ve just gotten out of the “love month” and everyone is still all about pleasing their significant other. Or possibly, I’m the naive one and I’m just now picking up on the plethora of bullshit we are putting out there about love, pleasure, marriage, dating, hookups and the list goes on. What I do know is that I can’t even enjoyably distract myself during a two-hour lecture anymore without seeing article after article about “Why Guys Leave With No Answers,” “Why Falling In Love With An Alcoholic Changed Me For The Better” or “Five Ways to Thrive in A Healthy Relationship.” Why is there this stigma that everyone needs to be with someone right now? Why is there this pressure to be ‘in love’ or know that you have found Mr/Mrs. Right? I mean, even my grandmas are calling me to tell me that I have to go see “Magic Mike” or “50 Shades of Grey,” which I find mildly cute – but nonetheless disturbing – that this is what life has come to for me.

College can be about finding the people who stand up in your wedding, the person who you marry or about finding yourself. The “You Cleanse” is not a three-day juice diet where you don’t digest any food. It is not a workout frenzy where you push your body to limits it cannot endure at the gym. It is simply taking time for yourself. We live in a high stress environment that is constantly circulating with exams and papers, fluttering with friends and family and sometimes it is hard to take a moment for yourself. Taking the time to focus on yourself instead of taking the time to find “Ten ways to know you’re in a toxic relationship” is what you need to better yourself mentally, physically and emotionally. There are no guidelines to the “You Cleanse;” it can be anything from talking to a new friend, trying a new activity, eating a lot of dessert or taking a refreshing nap. It is what you want it to be.

People always joke about returning home for various holidays and getting asked the dreaded question: “Are you dating anyone?” I mean, if you count the frat guy coated in sweat, beer and cigarette smoke who made eye contact with me in a crowded basement, as he went for the 5’8″, stick thin, blonde girl, then yes grandma I am totally dating somebody! The truth is, you cannot be happy with someone else, until you are truly happy with yourself. And you are never going to get there until you take the time to appreciate yourself, love the skin you are in and realize that your happily ever after might not start at a bar or a frat and that is okay!

Self proclaimed Carrie Bradshaw of our generation.