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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

1. Put on a Face Mask

It’ll make you feel cleaner and get your face ready to face the world!


2. Take a Shower

I’m convinced that a nice, long, steaming hot shower will fix nearly any problem you have. It gives you time to think while not being too overwhelmed, and you’re squeaky clean afterward! What more could a girl want?


3. Eat a Quick Snack

If you’re too stressed out, sometimes you can forget how hungry you are. Eating a quick snack can give you the energy to finish that paper due tomorrow, no caffeine needed!


4. Watch an Episode of Your Favorite Show

Friends, The Office, Game of Thrones, whatever you need to give yourself a well-deserved break. Just make sure you don’t start binging, or else you’ll forget about your work and just be even more stressed.


5. Schedule in Your De-Stress Time

Make sure you schedule time to take care of yourself! Budget your time accordingly, so you’re able to get your work done and keep your sanity.


6. Snuggle with Someone

Finally, find someone to cuddle with you! Whether it’s your significant other, your BFF or even a pet, getting close to someone in this chilly weather is practically guaranteed to warm you up and make you feel better.


McKinley is a Senior Public and Community Health Major who drinks too much coffee and stays up too late.