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How to Break Your Post Spring Break Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Ithaca chapter.

1. If you can, get lots of sunshine!

The best way to keep your motivation going Is to stay in the sun! It’ll help you feel better mentally and physically, that way you can blow these last few weeks out of the park.

2. Make sure to make time for yourself

Staying on top of your work is almost impossible if you don’t stay on top of your self-care too. Set daily goals and reward yourself when you complete them. When you feel yourself getting too stressed out, take a breath and reevaluate.

3. Spend time with your friends

Even if you’re sitting in the library doing homework, spending time with your friends keeps you from isolating yourself and stressing out alone. It’s a bonus if you’re all working on the same thing together!

4. Exercise!

I know, it sounds horrible now, but it’ll give you a perfect way to relieve all the tension and stress from your daily schedule. Even better: establish a weekly routine!

McKinley is a Senior Public and Community Health Major who drinks too much coffee and stays up too late.
Gillian was the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at Ithaca from September 2018 to May 2019. She was a journalism major and anthropology minor at Ithaca College and graduated in May 2019. Gillian enjoys reading, writing, Harry Potter, the Sims and grilled cheese.