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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Inter SG chapter.

Every day we are facing the consequences of how badly past generations have treated planet Earth. Although, the damage done is vast and seems impossible to fix, we must try to do what we can. One thing our chapter contributors have in common is the love for our earth. Each one of us always finds a way to do something that can make a small difference. It can be from taking our own food in reusable containers to carrying our reusable water bottles. These are small things, but one act of kindness can have an impact on our planet and on others. Because of that, we love looking for ways to help take care of it.  Last year, we planned an activity on campus following the “Trash Challenge” trend. Even though we were a small group of a few Her Campus Inter SG and English Club members, we were able to pick up a lot of trash. Since it was a success, this year we decided to do it again. 

On Saturday, October 19th, 2019 a group of Her Campus Inter SG members got together to clean some areas of our campus. The amount of trash and weird things we found was incredible. You would think that hallways and classrooms are the dirtiest areas, but it’s nothing like that. The places with the most trash are the parking areas. We went around a few buildings and stairs, where there were a few trash cans, so trash was not that bad. But there was still some left because some people are nasty and lazy. It was on the parking lots where we found food containers, bottles and straws,clothes and Invisalign. 

The purpose of this activity was to clean and motivate other students and faculty to be more aware of how we take care of our environment. However, it was not just about that; it was also for us to observe and figure out why our campus was so dirty. We came to two conclusions: people are just nasty because there is no reason for trash to be 10 steps away from a trash can, and that our parking lots need a few more trash cans for those who eat in their car to stop throwing it on the grass. We can make a change somehow, but it starts with little activities like this one. Get your chapter, your classmates or your friends to do something like this. You will be doing so much good, while also bonding with other humans. We assure you, great conversations will come up while you do activities like this one. The more people who do it, the more people who will get motivated. 


Crystal Ufret is currently a Masters Degree student of the Professional Counseling program. She's a sorority girl of the Nu Delta Sigma and a brother of the National Fraternity of Service Alpha Phi Omega. Also, she's a member of the Lions Club International and the Junior Chamber International (Puerto Rico). Her favorite authors are Esmeralda Santiago, Paulo Coelho and Maya Angelou. She enjoys cooking, traveling and doing handmade jewelry.