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Back to School: 6 Tips to Start the Year Off Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

Getting back to school can be a little overwhelming, especially after a long summer break. It can be hard to balance all of the different elements of the school year, from class to friends to your well-being. Here are five tips that can help make your transition back to class simple, successful and stress-free.

1. Keep a Planner

It can be hard to keep up with all of your homework assignments and tests for each one of your classes. One way to never forget is to write everything down in a planner. This way you can stay on top of all of your important assignments. Plus, it feels really good to cross off what you have finished.

2. Exercise and Eat Well

Once you have gotten settled it is very important to take good care of your body so you can be your best self this semester. Don’t forget to eat three healthy meals a day and exercise a few times a week. Exercising is a great way to release endorphins and increase your energy level. Eating healthy meals can help you do better in school and have a better memory which is very important for when midterms begin.

3. Attend Your Classes

It is very easy to fall behind in your classes. Make sure you set multiple alarms so you do not miss any classes unless you have a valid reason to do so. Getting there a little early is good too so you have seat options. Many times professors will give credit or a pop quiz for showing up to class which really does add up in your final grade.

4. Rest Up

Sleep is vital for a successful semester. It is necessary to let yourself rest so you can stay sane and decompress. Make sure you are giving your body the amount of sleep it needs so you can conquer each busy day and do well in school.

5. Socialize

The semester is not only about school work, but it is also about spending time with your friends. Don’t isolate yourself all the time in your room, it is great for your well-being to surround yourself with positive people. Some great ways to make new friends is to join a club or even in your classes.

6. Manage Your Time Well

It can be so easy to procrastinate with so many outside factors, for example, extracurriculars or your social life. It is okay if you need to miss an outside commitment if you need to finish your homework or study. Also, today there are many distractions that can affect if you finish your homework on time. Reward yourself with a movie or a TV show after you complete an assignment so you are not up late cramming to finish.


The official page for the University of Illinois Her Campus chapter.