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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

The colder weather means drier hair, and a change in seasons may also make you want to change up your hair color. Either of these things can damage your hair greatly — even just straightening or blow-drying your hair can hurt it. Here are some tips to maintaining healthy hair so you don’t have a head full of split ends!


1. Use hair masks regularly 

Like face masks, there are different types of hair masks that accommodate your individual needs. Hair masks can treat dry hair, strengthen it or help repair damaged hair. They often contain butters or essential oils which hydrate hair. Hair masks are great because you don’t have to receive fancy, expensive treatment at the salon; you can do it yourself at home at a cheaper cost.

2. Let your hair naturally dry sometimes 

Although blow-dried hair looks nicer, letting your hair dry naturally will give it a break from all the heat products. Even if it’s not every day, taking a few days off from using the hair dryer can make a big impact on the health of your hair. 

3. Use heat protection products

Before curling, straightening or blow-drying your hair, put heat protection sprays or oils on your hair. This increases the amount of moisture, which protects hair and helps prevent moisture loss. There are different types for various hair types, but they all function in similar ways — to prevent your hair from drying and burning.

4. Brush your hair regularly 

Brush your hair at least once a day, if not more. Start by brushing the ends of your hair to untangle it and work your way up to your scalp. However, brushing wet hair increases the possibility of snapping or breaking, so if you want to brush your hair wet, use a comb instead of a brush.

5. Use hair products after your shower

Serum and oils can help replenish hair. Serums are more often used for frizzy or curly hair, but also can be utilized to prevent the formation of dandruff and infections on the scalp. Types of oils include almond, lavender, Moroccan, coconut and jojoba oils. Each have slightly different functions, so purchase the one you need most!


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Julie Kang

Illinois '20

Julie Kang is a Journalism major at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In her free time, Julie enjoys ice skating, shopping, talking and eating with friends and reading. Follow her on Instagram at @julieebaaby
Gloriann Lance

Illinois '19

Hi! My name is Gloriann Lance and I am a senior at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I am one of the two Campus Correspondents for the 2018-2019 school year and I have been on Her Campus for 3 years.