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outdoor view in nature
Lynn Merigold

5 Low-Effort Self-Care Tips

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

College can be pretty hectic, especially when you’re busy trying to manage schoolwork, social life, jobs, clubs and whatever else is important to you. Sometimes it’s easy to let the simple things, like taking care of yourself, slip under the rug. Even though managing all these things can be time-consuming, taking care of yourself should also be a priority. Here are some small things you can do to take care of yourself that can actually make a huge difference in your life!

1. Exercise

It may sound daunting at first, but don’t let it discourage you! According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Just 30 minutes of walking every day can help boost your mood and improve your health. Small amounts of exercise add up, so don’t be discouraged if you can’t do 30 minutes at one time.” The best part about exercising is that it can be done pretty much anywhere: your room, the gym, the park, etc. Make a goal for yourself and stick to it! Take time to figure out what physical activities are most enjoyable to you, and let loose!

2. Do something creative

Tapping in with your creative side can help spice up your day, and give you an excuse to do something fun! There are so many things you can do…crochet, edit photos from your camera roll, paint, write a story, solve a puzzle, etc. Don’t have anything in mind? Then you can always explore new things to do! The possibilities are truly endless.

3. Connect with nature

Being outside can help you feel at ease and it’s a great way to distance yourself from your worries. Try taking a walk outside to destress. Listen to the wind swaying the trees and the birds chirping! Bonus idea: buy yourself flowers! Hear me out, browsing through all the different types of flowers your local grocery store or farmer’s market has to offer can actually be really therapeutic. So, why not take some home and arrange them in a cute way?! The perfect way to brighten your mood and your room! Plus, you deserve them!

4. Journaling

When life makes you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a few minutes to write about how you feel, your day, how you’re feeling, what problems you’re facing, things that are annoying you, and so on. Getting your feelings into words can be super relieving, especially when you feel like you’re going to burst. So, get your writing tools out and write away!

5. Reach out for help

Finally, always remember that taking care of yourself means taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health! If ever you feel overwhelmed, it’s always okay to reach out for help! Try talking to a friend, advisor, parent/guardian, or counselor, or call one of the emergency hotlines. Remember that it’s okay to not feel okay all the time and that your own health should come before anything else! 

Alisha Haque

Illinois '27

Alisha is an undergraduate freshman at the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. She's majoring in global studies on the pre-medicine track, and is so excited to write for HerCampus this year!