It is a typical Sunday. You spent another fun weekend with your friends and now have to finish five classes worth of homework for Monday. And you have an essay on top of that! You curse yourself for leaving this much work to be done in one day and can’t seem to focus. Suddenly, trivial things are starting to look more appealing and before you know it, you’ve just spent six hours mindlessly scrolling through Tik Tok. And you have to finish everything by 11:59. Don’t panic, because we have all been there! We are human and not mindless work machines. It is hard to focus sometimes, especially when we are stressed. But luckily, there are a few simple ways to avoid procrastination and focus on getting everything done in a healthy way.
1. You can try to set goals!
These don’t have to be huge milestones; they can be small baby steps. The point of this exercise is to make a task less intimidating. Instead of stressing over a large task, which can be extremely overwhelming and anxiety inducing, you can split it into small segments and focus on getting those done. To make this process more aesthetic, you could even buy a small planner and write these steps out, and then check them off when you’re done. Crossing something off a list is satisfying and will help you stay motivated to get to that finish line!
2. Find a comfy study location!
If you’re sitting in your dorm or apartment, chances are you will be easily distracted. If you focus better in a quiet location, find a spot at one of the campus libraries. A few options are the Main Library, the Communications Library, ACES and Grainger! If you focus better in loud settings, try a more public location, like a coffee shop or The Union!
Working nonstop on assignments is draining and will just exhaust you more. Instead of trying to get everything done in one sitting, get up and move around! For a physical break, maybe go for a short walk, head over to the ARC for a quick workout or stretch a little bit. For a mental break, try taking a short nap, meditating or giving yourself a small amount of time to check your phone. This break can be totally up to you and whatever you feel you need. Sometimes one long break is more successful for people, and others prefer to take multiple short breaks. If you feel you will get distracted, try setting a timer and then returning to your work!
4. give yourself a reward!
Let’s be honest: Everyone loves to treat themselves! So, when you finally finish all of your assignments, give yourself a little something as a reward. Maybe grab that carton of ice cream from your freezer or buy yourself that shirt you have been eyeing online. Anything to celebrate your progress and put a smile on your face!
I hope you all find these tips helpful! Try applying these to your next big assignment. The most important point is focusing on staying calm and not overwhelming yourself. You got this!