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Tessa Pesicka / Her Campus

Why I Love Rainy Days and My Top 3 Favorite Rainy Day Activities

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Since the official start of spring, on March 20, I’ve wanted to talk about some of my favorite parts of the season. For some people, one of the best parts of spring is the change in weather. Nature comes alive again, flowers bloom and the grass gets greener. One of the most recognizable traits of springtime is the rain. Even though rainy days can be annoying, especially if you’re trying to get to class, the rain brings many things that make me feel refreshed. With that being said, here are my top three favorite things to do on a rainy day.

Get Work Done

Sometimes, I feel bad about staying in, especially when it’s sunny and warm. When I notice it’s raining outside, I almost immediately feel the need to stay inside, get into comfortable clothes and read a book. If you feel similarly to me, trying to get work done is a great idea. Whether you have a paper to finish, a final project to start, or you want to get ahead on schoolwork, rainy days are the perfect time to accomplish work. You’ll probably feel great about yourself after you’re done too!

Watch A movie

I love movies. I watch movies and TV shows too often, and I am fully aware of that. On rainy days though, watching movies is especially justifiable, because you usually don’t feel obligated to get outside and be active. If you want to escape the cold and dreary outdoors, get comfortable and watch movies you’ve been wanting to see. You might be surprised by how comforting this rainy activity is!

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is a part of life that I tend to look past at school. I get so busy with assignments, activities, and work, that I forget to take time for myself. Self-care can look different depending on the person. To me, self-care is about listening to your body and giving yourself time to focus on what you need. Some of my favorite self-care activities include reading books, making tea, focusing on skincare, and working out. Rainy days are a great way to incorporate relaxation and self-care into your schedule. Make time for yourself!

If you’re a rainy day lover, or even if you’re not so fond of the gloomy days that typically come with rain, this list might give you some ideas on how to spend your time on a rainy day. One of the best parts about rainy days is feeling relaxed and relaxation usually looks different from person to person. Whether you feel relaxed getting work done and feeling accomplished, or if relaxation comes to you by taking it easy, use rainy days to spend time focusing on what you need. Happy spring!

Jillian Groot

Illinois State '24

My name is Jillian Groot and I am a senior English education major with an Italian studies minor at Illinois State University.