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Self-Care Activities for Stressful College Exam Weeks

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

As a 20-year-old college student in her junior year, life can get kinda crazy really fast. During this time the best thing to do is take it one day at a time and focus on one thing at that moment. Work on your organization and time management, so you can better budget yourself for some free time relaxing and spending time with friends! Here are some ideas for self-care to get you through these stressful times!

Girl Talk

Girl time with my roommates is so fun and refreshing! We all get together and do face masks and paint our nails, and we make and eat dinner together and then we have a movie/game night with popcorn and snacks! Sometimes after a long week, this is just what I need!

Getting to spend time together without the stress of needing to get assignments done is the best feeling in the world! If the week just hasn’t allowed this to happen, with either conflicting schedules or just needing some alone time, an 1-2 hour hang out will do the trick!


Sometimes you just need to burn off some steam and get away. Exercising is one of the best ways to clear your head and feel good about yourself. Whether that’s walking or jogging on the treadmill or lifting weights, or even doing arm, leg or core workouts that are simple, are just enough to reset. I’ve noticed working out just helps to clear my to-do list in my head and helps me to refocus the rest of my day.

A lot of people like to work out at night, I however, prefer to work out in the morning and get it done. The time of day you choose to work out is totally a personal preference and up to what fits in your schedule. Some gyms may even have a pool or special workout classes you can sign up for if you’re looking for something new and different from your normal workouts. Whether you’re alone or with a friend, workouts are a great way to take care of yourself, re-energize and refocus. 

Eating Healthy

Self-care doesn’t always have to be difficult, sometimes it’s as simple as eating healthier. That could mean incorporating more fruits and veggies into meals, chicken or some protein to keep you full, or even a smoothie or protein shake to jump start your day or to drink before or after a workout. Just putting a little more effort and intention into your meals and what’s in them will make you feel even better!

I personally enjoy putting some fruit and granola in my yogurt or adding some honey and chia seeds to my smoothies. A little adjustment like this may not seem like a lot but the benefits are more than you may know. You may not even realize how good you feel until later in the day when you are still motivated to get work done!


Last but not least, sometimes all you need is some peace and quiet time alone to sit and relax! I’ve been taking some of these days to myself and they have worked wonders for my focus and motivation.

Sometimes I’ll sit in a comfy chair in the corner of my room and read a book, sometimes I’ll cuddle up with blankets to watch a tv show or movie, and other times I grab some adult coloring books and put some music on in the background. How you spend your you time is completely up to YOU! As long as you feel at ease and have no pressure then what you’re currently doing at that moment must be working!

I want every single person reading this article to reflect on their week and decide whether they have taken time to do something for themselves! If you haven’t, I highly recommend it! It doesn’t have to be long but it gives your mind a break and it lets you feel free from the so-called crazy life we have all lived at some point. I hope this article gives you some suggestions on what self-care activities you can take part in, and that you enjoy some YOU time!

Sydney Kotowski

Illinois State '24

I'm a Senior Elementary Education major with an Endorsement in Reading! In my free time I love to read, write, bake, listen to music, and hang out with friends!