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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

Watch out Skype and FaceTime… a new contender is here on campus! Do you ever wish you could party with your friends who are miles away? Download the new up and coming app, HouseParty! I got a chance to speak with HouseParty’s awesome Illinois State brand ambassadors, Lisa Hipelius and Caeli Vanderstuyf! Read below to learn more:

Her Campus Illinois State: What is HouseParty?

Lisa Hipelius: HouseParty is a video-chat app that instantly connects you with your friends…it’s kind of like FaceTime but with more people involved.

Caeli Vanderstuyf: You can use HouseParty to video chat with up to eight of your friends at one time. It can immediately connect you with friends or family.

HC ISU: How long has HouseParty been around?

LH: It’s been in the app store for about six weeks. It’s technically still in beta testing, which is geek talk for its still developing. It’s pretty cool! There’s currently a feature on the app where if you shake it, you can send feedback to the creators to fix any bugs! It’s really cool to be a part of something while it’s bascially still being created. 


HC ISU: What’s your favorite thing about HouseParty?

LH: I like that it’s different than any other social media platform. Also, I love using HouseParty to stay connected with my friends from home. It’s so fun to open the app and to see all your friends right there.

CV: I really like that the screen splits evenly so you can see all your friends at the same time!

HC ISU: Why should ISU students download it?

LH:  ISU students need something to connect with different people all over the place, whether it’s friends or family, who are several hours away. This app is blowing up all over ISU and other campuses since it’s been on the market. There are a lot of apps with similarities, but there’s really nothing else exactly like HouseParty. Chances are your friends already have it, so download it and have fun!

So, if you haven’t downloaded HouseParty already – head over to the app store to download and try it out! Or click on this link to check it out: HouseParty

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Raquel Ugalde

Illinois State

Public Relations major at Illinois State University. Chapter Correspondent for Her Campus Illinois State University.