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Jessica Kelly / Spoon
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

If you have a slight obsession like I do with avocados, then this article was meant for you! Even if you don’t like avocados, your taste buds will be watering after reading about these different variations of eating the healthy fruit. Yes, avocados are fruits – I didn’t even know this until I read more about them. Anyways, they provide insanely nutritional benefits for your body because just 1 ounce (28 grams) provides you with a good amount of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. Not only this, but avocados can even help with heart health, weight control, and healthy aging in one’s life. They have even been blended into smoothies, and the taste is amazing. Guacamole is definitely not the only way to scarf down this delicious fruit, check out these ways to incorporate avocados into your diet.

Poached Egg
Kirby Barth / Spoon


On Toast

Get rid of fattening butter or margarine, and spread your toast with puréed avocado instead.

Avocado Fries

Who would’ve thought that dipping and baking avocados in bread crumbs would be so easy?


Chunky or smooth- you decide by adding chickpeas, lemon juice, and olive oil with diced avocados.


Salt, pepper or any other flavored seasonings make for a great fruit by itself!

Salad Dressing

Creamy dressing has a blend of basic vinaigrette and chopped avacado, drizzle sparingly.


Can’t say you don’t like it until you try it in a smoothie- you won’t regret it!

Loving avocados can be easy, especially by seeking out all of these fun ways to include them in your diet!

Irena Katherine

Illinois State '20

Hi! I am an editor for Her Campus ISU and I will be graduating from Illinois State University in 2020, majoring in Secondary English Education. I have always loved writing and each time my article is published on HC ISU’s website, I remind myself of how lucky I am to be apart of such an amazing team!
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