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Making the Most of the Last: Reflections on a Senior Year to Come

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Transition sucks. I’ve always thought of it that way, at least. We transition from high
school to college (uncomfortable, at best), from underclassman to upperclassman (easier, but a
little bit scary), and then from college student to real-world adult (what does that even mean??!).
The transition from junior to senior year, though, has been the strangest one yet for me. I almost
never thought that I would actually be a senior. I mean, I’m really 21 years old now (so weird). It
feels like yesterday that I’d have to announce to a class full of students that, yes, I was a
freshman in her first semester at college.

The first two weeks of senior year have been a whole lot of fun (okay, maybe too much
fun), but have also been a whirlwind of emotions. I will say that the circumstances of my class,
in particular, have definitely been out of the ordinary. Getting sent home during our second
semester freshman year and not fully returning until the first semester of my junior year, I can’t
help but feel robbed of the majority of my college experience. The friends who I studied abroad
with in the spring always make the same aghast remark; “I can’t believe we’ve never had a real
spring at Holy Cross.”

Putting all this weirdness aside, there are definitely variables that have remained the same
between my class and all those who came and went before us. The advice normally goes; enjoy
your senior year, the “real world” sucks. Honestly, I think this advice helps and harms at the
same time. Of course, every senior wants to make the most of his/her time left on the hill, but
why is a sort of dread associated with post-grad life? Of course, any kind of transition is hard.
Especially the transition from living with your friends, having relative freedom, and being
responsible for virtually only your grades at school, to the reality of working a 9-5 and being
tasked with providing for yourself, for maybe the first time ever.

Yes, that will be difficult. It will be an adjustment. But why should I stress myself out
about it now? Everyone says, “just live in the moment,” but that is definitely easier said than
done. As seniors, we are hyper-aware that every time could be the last time. Last white darty, last
Catalina, last Christmas at Holy Cross. It’s hard not to let the “lasts” overwhelm the present. But,
all of the friends who I’ve discussed this with agree that being present is the most important
thing this year. Time really does fly when you’re having fun, and we are all aware that before we
know it, we’ll be walking across the stage in May. So, we will just focus on being together. College itself is such a unique environment, and the ticking clock really just motivates us all to
take advantage of the people and places around us this year.

Caroline Sullivan

Holy Cross '23

A Lover of books, coffee, and style from Long Island, New York!