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How Sunshine Does More than Just Brighten My Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Daylight Savings has risen upon us, one of my favorite times of the year. Finally, we get a glimpse of what is to come in the near future: longer days, warmer weather, and hopefully, the near end of the cold. Walks from the library at 4:30 will no longer be pitch black, and we can enjoy the sunny days longer than we are accustomed to. I don’t know about anyone else, but I find it hard to get time in the sun during the school year. Also, it is difficult to get a sufficient amount outdoors with the weather being cold, but I am excited to prioritize this as it warms up.

Recently, light has been shown on (no pun intended) the negatives that come with being in the sun. Don’t get me wrong, everything should be in moderation, and sunscreen is essential while outside. However, vitamin D is essential for human health and can help with many deficiencies. With all this being said, I am here to share some benefits that come with time in the sun, and I encourage you all to designate outdoor time for yourselves!

improves my sleep

Melatonin is naturally produced after sunset, helping us to sleep better at night and stay awake during the day. Just an hour of natural light in the morning will aid with getting a soundless sleep (SelectHealth). Our internal body clocks are always hard at work, and the best way to help your tired, future self is to expose yourself to the sun at the right point in the morning (SelectHealth). Exposure to bright, natural light will signal your body to stop producing melatonin, helping you to have a productive, alert day.

Edited- “Why Sunshine is Healthy”


When exposed to sunlight, the human body produces vitamin D. This vitamin helps the body to absorb calcium, an essential mineral for strong bones (Harvard). As a result, it will prevent thin, brittle bones in the long run, and you only need about fifteen minutes outside for it to start taking its course (SelectHealth)!

strengthens my immune system

Vitamin D is also critical for a healthy immune system, so consistent exposure to sunlight can positively intensify the immune system (GoodRx). This will reduce risks of illness and infection and can even increase life expectancy (SelectHealth).

boosts my mood

Sunshine also boosts levels of serotonin, which not only improves mood but also allows the body to remain calm and focused. Serotonin also influences learning and memory and regulates body temperature. In addition, exposure to sunlight decreases symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, which is always a plus during the long, dark winters (GoodRx).

kills harmful bacteria in my body

We, as college students, probably spend a lot of our time indoors. Unfortunately, these environments contain dust, which carries many types of bacteria. This can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms; however, sunlight can kill these bacteria living in the dust (GoodRx). Even opening your shades and windows can help improve your air quality and eliminate the harmful particles we inhale indoors.

These benefits show how important it is to receive sunlight on a daily basis. Some tips on how to work this into your everyday schedule are taking a walk for a study or work break, taking your phone call outside, eating lunch, or exercising outdoors on a nice day. Prioritizing vitamin D is truly valuable for human health and well-being, so with that being said, go catch some rays!

Edited- “Why Sunshine is Healthy”

*All scientific evidence used in this article was found from expert sources:




Emily Johnson

Holy Cross '25

Junior English major at the College of the Holy Cross