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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Lets face it- we have all have those days where hitting that snooze button five times turns into being 15 minutes late for class. Here are some *simple* ways to make your mornings speedy, stress free, and super punctual:


1. Cut out some of that nightly Twitter-scrolling and pick out an outfit before you get into bed

This time last year, most of my mornings were spent trying on and ripping off outfits… leaving a pile of mass destruction on my floor. Now, I pick out my outfit the night before. Before getting into bed, I quickly check my weather app, and pick an outfit accordingly. Take ten minutes out of your nightly relaxation to pick out an outfit, and save yourself the stress and time in the morning.

Photo Credit: @tookapic from pexels.com  

2. Get a REAL alarm clock

That light cellphone-buzz under your pillow just begs you to turn around and hit the snooze button. Invest a few bucks on a real alarm clock that you can set up in your dorm room that is not within an arms reach of your fluffy pillow. Actually getting out of bed and turning off your alarm across the room will help you avoid those “five more minutes” of precious sleep. This one is less than $11.00 on amazon, click the picture to buy it for yourself!

Photo Credit: Amazon.com

3. Time those showers

The best way to wake yourself up in the morning is to hop right into a shower. A problem however, is that some showers can turn into 25 minute spa sessions. One tip is to make sure you know how long you will be in the shower for, and only stay in for that allotted time. It’s hard, but it saves you a lot of time in the morning by cutting out some of that steamy shower time. One thing I like to do is time myself by songs: I get in and think “after two songs I need to be out of the shower”. Whether you’re jamming to One Direction, or Kendrick Lamar, those two songs end up being under 10 minutes and boom –  you’ve got yourself a faster shower.

Photo Credit: @pixabay from pexels.com  

4. Cut out long beauty routines

Will your day really be affected if you cut out that time consuming cat-eye look and go for a simple brush of mascara? Depending of how much time you have in the morning to get ready, shortening your beauty routine can save you TONS of time. Try showering and straightening your hair right before you go to bed, or laying out the makeup you want to use the night before, and you will be a morning wiz!

Photo Credit: @kinkate from pexels.com   

5. Stay organized

This time-saving change can turn into a lifestyle change for you. Keeping yourself and your belongings organized will result in fewer laps around your room looking for your keys and overall, faster mornings. No one likes that flustered feeling of having to run to class and realizing you forgot something, or suddenly remembering you had to print that essay. If you organize your school things, work things, and personal belongings before you go to bed, you will have a relaxed and speedy morning routine.

Photo Credit: @kaboompics from pexels.com   


Try out these tips and you might actually be able to afford to wait in that dreaded Starbucks line on your way to class!