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Best Online Tools to Stay on Top of Your Coursework

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Staying on top of all of your assignments in college can be very difficult. With multiple classes, all requiring different textbooks, professors preferring different software, and just the everyday stress that comes with being a college student, managing all of this can be very challenging. However, I have found that when you keep an organized computer and use the online tools available to you, getting your homework and projects done on time can seem like less of a burden! If you are someone who struggles to stay on top of work and is looking for tips to help, here is a list of my favorite online tools to help me manage my time as well as my coursework!

Google Calendar:

First up is Google Calendar! I used to be someone who never wrote down the things they needed to be doing on a daily basis. I thought that I could just remember everything I needed to do from day to day. Unfortunately, this was not true and caused me to fall behind with schoolwork and miss very important deadlines. Google Calendar was the perfect solution for this, as it blocks all of my obligations for me, so I know when I’m free and when I have things I need to attend to! I also prefer to color-code different events so I can easily tell which event is what! Within each scheduled event, you can add separate notes for specific dates, put Zoom links in if it is a virtual meeting, add the location of the event, and even invite guests to share the reminder if you know someone else who will be attending the same event! Ever since I decided to incorporate Google Calendar into my life, it has made time management a lot easier for me, and I highly recommend using it!

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My Study Life:

Next up is the website, My Study Life! This is a wonderful online tool to use for tracking all of your homework assignments! You are able to upload all of your class names and times, and it sets up a little calendar for you under the calendar tab! You then have the task tab, which is the most helpful tool on this website for me! You input the different assignments you have and can organize them based on what class they are associated with. You can label these tasks as assignments, projects, presentations, and even exams so you remember what you have coming up in the future weeks of the semester. I also enjoy the dashboard feature, which lays out your calendar, tells you what classes you have that day, and it also lists what tasks you have due for the day and for the rest of the week all on one screen! I particularly love the feature within assignments where you can mark how far along you are with completing an assignment. You can drag the bar to 50% if an assignment is halfway done, and so on, and then once it is complete, you can drag the bar to 100%, and it marks the task as completed for you! Overall, I love this tool because I upload all of my assignments for the semester and have them laid out for me in advance. I can stay on track and look ahead to make sure I am never falling behind!

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Quick Note:

Finally, the last tool that I enjoy and use daily is the app called Quick Note. This app is perfect for those who enjoy having a to-do list accessible to them at all times. This app enables you to put little sticky notes on your desktop and keeps them there for you to look at even when you are working on other assignments or tasks on your computer. You can color-code each of your sticky notes, put different font sizes, make things bold, italic, or highlighted, and even pin a sticky note that might be more important than another. I appreciate this tool because I am someone who works best when they have a list in front of them. With this tool, I have access to my list all the time and can cross off my tasks as I do them, as well as look to see what needs to get done for the rest of my day. This has been a wonderful tool I use to make sure I am organized while in college.

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School can be very overwhelming for a lot of people. There is always a lot going on, and there never seems to be enough time in the day to stay on top of all of the things that you need to get done. But, with the help of these amazing online tools, managing your time and your coursework doesn’t have to be so daunting. Staying organized can be a lifesaver and truly benefits you in the long run, so you are never worrying about missing another deadline for an assignment again!

Heddi Wells

Hofstra '26

Heddi Wells is a sophomore at Hofstra University. She is from Connecticut and is majoring in Music Business with a minor in Social Media Marketing. She is interested in writing about pop culture, fashion and beauty trends, music, and the music industry.