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10 Bad Hookups You Have In College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

Welcome to college, where you have a ton of freedom and more options than back home. Guys are everywhere and sometimes you have a great time with them. Other times, not so much. We get it, we’ve all experienced at least one of these awful hookups. 

1. The Drunk One Night Stand.

A night out with the girls quickly turns into a night in with some guy you picked up at the party. It seemed like a good idea at the time but the next day you don’t know what’s worse, the strange guy in your bed or the hangover. 

2. The Tinder Guy.

Note about Tinder, you get quantity over quality. These boys have no social skills beyond texting. The whole date is filled with awkward conversation while trying to ignore the pinging sound of new matches every few minutes. Hoping you didn’t waste your ‘super like’ on this boy. The lack of communication skills continues and you are, without surprise, disappointed. You leave strongly considering deleting Tinder. 

Photo courtesy of Stockpick.com

3. The Guy From Class.

You start off partners for a group project and next thing you know, you’re sexiling your roommate under the guise of “homework”. If this happens, wait until the end of the semester. Nothing is worse than sitting next to this guy in class for 16 weeks after an uncomfortable one-time hookup and a poor group project grade. 

4. The Guy With A Girlfriend.

This happens in two ways, you know beforehand about the girlfriend and don’t care. Or you don’t find out until the morning after. Either way, people will label you as “the other woman”. 

5. The Guy Down The Hall.

Never do this. Every floor meeting with be awkward from here on out. Everyone will hear you and know it happened.  

6. The Guy Best Friend.

This is inevitable. You take that best friend love a little too far during a heart to heart and end up with a lot of confused feelings and no best friend.

7. Guy Without A Name.

Similar to the Drunk One Night Stand. You wake up wondering who is next to you in bed while also contemplating begging him to go out and pick up a coffee for you. Just be prepared to run for it if he doesn’t remember your name either. 

8. Casual FWB Gone Wrong.

The classic friends with benefits starts with a mutual agreement at the beginning to just make it a super chill, on the DL, consistent hookup. It inevitably goes wrong when one of you catches feelings and then ruins a good thing with the feelings talk. There is only one rule of FWB. No feelings allowed. 

Photo by George Coletrain

9. Missed Chance Guy.

He is basically the perfect guy, but the timing isn’t right and “you aren’t looking for a relationship” so you let him go after a few dates. Every time you hear Katy Perry’s “The One That Got Away” you will think of this guy. It wasn’t a horrible night, what was horrible was your decision to let him go. 

10. The Roommate.

College is a time for exploring, and you spend quite a lot of time in your room alone with your roommate. Things can happen, we don’t judge! Just remember, this is like combining the Best Friend and Guy Down The Hall hookups, which means double the drama. You have to live with them the whole year or explain to your Resident Director why you can’t live with them anymore. Awkward! 

Don’t forget that safe, consenting sex is the best sex. There is nothing wrong from stopping a horrible hookup at any point if you are uncomfortable. 

Just a Midwest girl exploring the big city.