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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

Midterms are never an exciting part of the semester, you have the long nights of studying, going over notes and every quizlet you can find. Then the stress snacking or maybe lack of appetite, irritability and a reality check of “I have not retained any of this…” Well I am here to give you some ways to ease the midterm madness!

Lets start out by saying, close the book and go tf to sleep. Your brain literally cannot handle trying to learn new information when you’re up all night and running on no sleep. Did you know humans are the only mammal who willingly delays sleep? Sleep fuels your brain and body so just accept what you’ve learned that night and go catch some z’s!

In the middle of studying, set up brain breaks. During these breaks- get up and move around, do NOT reach for TikTok because you will be stuck for hours (trust me). I like to set a ratio, use what ever works for you, but I typically spend 20-30 minutes studying and then 10 minutes on a break. I like to go talk to my roommates for a bit, maybe make a quick snack and try not to stress about my school work during this time.

Outside of studying, I like to listen to some motivational and meditating podcasts to deal with midterm stress. It makes me feel reset and clear headed which aids my confidence. Some of my current favorites are “Mindful in Minutes” by Kelly Smith, “The Self Love Fix” by Beatrice Kamau and “Mind Love” by Melissa Monte. Try them out and let me know if they work for you too!!

Another really important thing to do while dealing with midterm stress is to go outside. Make time to go outdoors either on a hike, a walk around the neighborhood, or a beach day. Just take sometime to allow yourself to be distracted and submerged in nature!

It important to just do things that make you feel good so whatever that may be, make some time because you deserve it. Goodluck during midterms, you’re gonna kick some ass!

Edna is a senior at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She is majoring in Travel Industry Management with an emphasis in Hospitality management. She aspires to be an event planner specializing in weddings. She loves dogs, the sunshine, exploring the island, and trying all kinds of new foods.