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Do’s and Don’t’s of Surviving Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

I know what you might be thinking.. “Isn’t it a little early to be talking about midterms?” Well for some, that may be true, but after going through the pains of studying this weekend for my first midterm that’s happening this week, I realized the time is fast approaching. Pretty soon, it will feel like you always have something to study for, and the harsh reality sets in that the new semester excuses no longer work.  In an effort to prepare for the nightmare that is the neverending midterm season, here are a few do’s and don’t’s to get you through the struggle:


Do continue to get some exercise

When the big assignments and exams start piling up, it may seem like the smart thing to do is trade in an hour of gym time to study or sleep, but try to keep up your daily routine. Exercise is “meditation in motion,” allowing you to take your mind off the all school stress and focus on one task for just a little while. It also will improve your self-confidence and give you the energy to maintain your work ethic and keep studying effectively for your test.

Don’t eat junk or forgo meals for the sake of convenience while studying

For me, this is probably the hardest thing for me to follow when I’m under a lot of stress. I may or may not have eaten BBQ chips and skittles for dinner the other night while studying. However, you will benefit in the long run, if you take the time to make something with nutritional value to give you a sustainable boost of energy instead of a stomach ache and sugar crash you’ll get from the overly-processed, sugary crap you are tempted to resort to. Trust me when I say, it is never worth it. Your body will be thanking you two hours later when your still full and content. Check out this article for easy 10-minute recipes!

Do take advantage of your breaks in between classes

You’ve got an hour maybe two in between classes a few times a week? Take this time to get ahead on that paper you know you’ll need to be working on that night or making sure you’ve finished your study guide. Resist the urge to go back to your dorm or apartment in between these classes.

You can tell yourself you’re going to study, but you might get caught up in a conversation with a roommate, be tempted to watch an episode of your latest netflix obsession, and you’ll lose time walking to and from campus. It’s better to just go to the library. It’s a building oncampus that exudes and aura of productivity. This time is going to go by whether you use effectively or not and the work you’ve got to do will still be there when all your classes are over. You might as well get a head start in any way you can.

Don’t miss class the week leading up to an exam

Speaking of class, please actually go to them. In the last few classes before an exam, most professors will be giving out hints and subtle comments on what’s important for the test that you can’t know by simply reading through the powerpoint later that night. Even if you feel like you know everything you need to know, consider the class built-in study time that you won’t need to use later that night. Seriously, if you don’t go to any classes the whole semester, at least go to the last class or two before any exam. No matter how boring, you’ll most-likely leave with a better sense of the test than if you had missed it.

Do over-organize your planner

During the semester it will seem like your professors are having meetings to purposefully assign major projects and big exams all at once.

It can be hard to keep track so use your planner. I don’t mean just due dates and exam dates either. By planning times during the day to study or work on assignments, go to the gym, and even nap, it will help make this busy time feel less daunting knowing there is a way to get it all done.  Not that you have to go this extreme, but last semester, I went as far as to schedule every hour of my day for 2 weeks straight because I staring at due dates with no plan on how to get prepared them, totally freaked me out. The schedule I made served as a living reminder that there was a way to get it all done, and that I would survive the next few weeks. Not to mention, I got the satisfaction of checking things off my list everyday. Again, an hour-by-hour schedule may not be what you need, but when it gets busy for you, take advantage of that planner.

Don’t pull all-nighters studying

You will probably always see this tip on every list of “Tips for College” you read, and there’s a reason for it: It’s true.  Studying is a lot like exercise. To get the most benefit out of it, it’s not about how long you do it, it’s about how hard you work. It is always more beneficial to study without distraction for an hour than it is to spend three hours on and off facebook or twitter while also looking at your notes.  If you’re like me and have little to no self-discipline, take advantage of what technology has to offer and get a website blocking app. For mac users, I recommend Self Control 2. It’s a free app that blocks a list of websites of your  choosing for a set amount of time. Once you turn it on, there is no way of turning it off and getting on those sites; even if you quit the app, shut down your computer, or even delete the app. Get some uninterrupted study time in and then know when it is time to call it quits.  Sleeping will help you process what you’ve learned and convert the information from short term to long term memory.


I know all this is much easier said than done. No one is perfect but make an effort to follow as many of these as you can. There is a finite amount of time in the day, but remember that there are other ways than studying to prepare for a midterm!


Rachel is a senior studying Business Management at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She treads the fine line of busy colliegette and overwhelmed stress ball. She enjoys running, hiking, and being outdoors, but willing to trade that in for a day of netflix and intermittent naps.
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