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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.

Seasonal depression is a depression that is related to the changes in the season. It usually happens in the fall transitioning to the winter and the main cause is the lack of sun.  The decrease of sunlight disturbs the body’s internal clock and causes the drop of serotonin. In the fall and winter, sunny days are limited and the night falls quicker. Because of that, some people could develop certain changes in the mood and behavior. I have some ideas for you on how to battle seasonal mood changes if you ever experience it. 

Take Advantage of the Sun, Every Chance You Get

As I said, the sun releases certain hormones in the brain such as serotonin. Serotonin is the so-called “happiness” hormone that boosts mood and helps a person feel focused and calmed. Because of this, there is even a treatment called light therapy that stimulates sunlight from a box. People get that box and use it every day at home. But you don’t need that; just make sure that you prioritize your sunshine needs every couple of days. We all know that fall can be rainy and foggy sometimes, but it’s not like that every day. Take every chance that you have to be outside and to absorb the sunlight.

Be Conscious About Food Choices

In fall and winter, our food choices usually change because of the holidays. Everything is pumpkin flavored, and you cannot resist that Halloween candy (I was obsessed with Candy Corn; it almost felt like it was an addiction and people used to make fun of me) and Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up. In my culture, fall is the season of multiple family celebrations so traditional food is always on the menu, but nonetheless we have to be conscious. I am not saying to avoid food or anything, just eat everything in moderation. Fill up your plate, put every kind of food that you want, but don’t do it twice. 


Go Outside and Be in Nature

I know it is very hard when you are down to make yourself get out of the house, but it is very important to go outside. Sun, trees, grass and everything around us has so much energy and just taking time to notice a detail in your natural environment and trying to figure out how it makes you feel can boost your mood. It took me a while to realize the importance of nature and its power to us as human beings, but once you feel it and try to become conscious you will realize. Now, I find joy in everything around me and I feel so happy and grateful that I can experience that. Trust me, go to your nearest park, put some music on, breathe and just try to consciously feel everything around you. You will be amazed.

Indulge Yourself

Take a nice warm bath and light a candle, make yourself a nice sweet hot chocolate with marshmallows on top, go shopping, or eat out in a nice restaurant. Life is all about small things and the magic is hidden inside them.

Work Out

When you work out, you are not only taking care of your body but also your mind. In order to have a healthy mind you have to have a healthy body. Your body is your machine and your machine engine needs to be well taken care of; in this case- the brain. Working out stimulates brain chemicals which make you feel happy and good about yourself.

At the end, when you look at all of those activities, everything settles to the one point and that is brain stimulation. Find something that will stimulate your brain positively. I know it is very hard to say this to someone with depression, but the best therapy is to move. Either physically or mentally we have to move. Remember that you deserve to have joy and if you are a little bit late, take a couple of minutes to center yourself. 


Currently a junior at Hampton University majoring in Marketing. When I am not playing college volleyball, you can find me in bed watching newest makeup tutorials and eating Chipotle.
I have the privilege to serve as Campus Correspondent for the Her Campus Hampton U Chapter a second year! I am a graduating Senior, Strategic Communications major, Marketing minor currently studying at the illustrious Hampton University. I am from Richmond, VA (shoutout to the 804!). In addition to classes, I run my own creative agency, Tiana Nichelle Marketing where I specialize in social media management, content creation, public relations, and branding. My love for the PR and Communications industry is the reason my ultimate goal is to become a celebrity publicist in the upcoming years! Her Campus Hampton U is an organization that is near and dear to me and I am so happy to be a leader of this ELITE chapter!