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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hampton U chapter.



    The key to getting things done is definitely time management. Last semester, I complained about all the tasks I needed to accomplish in such a short amount of time. In reality, everyone gets the same 24 hours in a day. Learning to manage your time and fit important goals into your schedule will be the first step in becoming a more productive you. This can be encouraged with the help of a planner, calendar, or a checklist app on your phone.



    Jotting your goals down is key to manifestation. If you aren’t sure what you want to achieve, you’ll be too busy chasing everyone else’s dream. I found myself running into brick walls because I wasn’t sure where I was headed or what I wanted for myself. I was living my life to put smiles on everybody else face but my own. I learned to take anyone else’s advice with a grain of salt and do what I feel is best. The greatest successors did not become successful by listening to what everyone else thinks they should do. Know your goals and stick to them.



    Lastly, work toward your goals on a daily basis. This is definitely a hard task that requires motivation. Find motivation in hobbies that are therapeutic to you. I found that I was most productive when I felt good about myself. Develop a peace of mind that allows you to build confidence and believe in yourself. You can’t accomplish your goals with fear driving you. We’ll fail a thousand times before we succeed and that’s okay. Giving up will not be in our vocabulary this year. We got this!


Her Campus Contributor Account 
Jordyn Edwards is a graduating senior at the illustrious Hampton University studying strategic communications with an emphasis in liberal studies. Jordyn creates for others while being deeply motivated for her passion of storytelling and helping women find their voices.