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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamline chapter.

Finals week is approaching, which means everyone is starting to stress out. However, have no fear! Below is a list of helpful tips to somehow manage to survive finals week.

Take Breaks:

Yes, studying is important, but so is taking breaks. Your brain can only take two hours of hard-core studying before becoming tired out. If you’re in studying, get up and go out for a walk. Walking is a great way to relieve stress and let your brain relax. However, if you are taking more breaks than studying, that may be an issue. Make sure you are monitoring how long your breaks are, but don’t feel bad for taking them!

Talk to others:

If you are someone who likes to study in groups, talking problems out with others is a great way to study. Talking or explaining problems/answers to others really lets you know if you understand the material or not. Also, teaching others not only helps them, but helps you further understand the problem. Controversially, if you are someone who likes to work alone, make sure you take time to talk to others about the problems to make sure you are understanding the material. It’s also a great way to make sure you covered all the material that will be on the exam. You don’t want to forget anything!


YOUR BODY NEEDS SLEEP! Do not try to pull an all-nighter studying for your exams. It is more important to study for less time, but with total focus than studying for long periods of time, with half focus. Also, 20-30 minute naps are a great way to recharge and refocus. Just  don’t get sucked in to napping for too long  because it is likely you will wake up more tired and unfocused. Even if you have to pull an all nighter, a couple of hours of sleep, even two, is better than none. Be sure to listen to your body!

Turn off your phone:

Cell phones are a major distraction when it comes to studying. If you are someone who is constantly surfing the web, you may want to lock your phone away during finals week. When it comes to memorizing material, if you are looking at your phone every other minute, your brain will have a very tough time trying to memorize the material. Do yourself a favor and give up your phone for a couple days.  


In order for your brain to work, you need to fuel it. Make sure you are eating good meals and drinking a lot of water. Also, it is a good idea to grab some healthy snacks for when you are studying, so you won’t need to constantly get up to go get food. If  you are someone who needs caffeine to study, it is OK to grab a coffee or energy drink, just maybe not five of them. Listen to your body when it’s hungry, but be aware of the kinds of food choices you are making.

After reading these helpful tips, you are ready to take on finals. Remember, don’t sweat it, just breathe and do the best you can! Good luck!


Madelaine Formica is nineteen. She is the Campus Correspondent for the Hamline HerCampus Chapter. She's been published for her scripts on jaBlog and for a short story in Realms YA magazine. She's also a senior reporter for The Oracle and a literary editor for Fulcrum literary magazine.