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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamline chapter.

I assume you haven’t been living under a rock, so no doubt you know that the midterm elections are this November 6th. The youth vote is known for their exceptionally low voter turn out, especially for elections outside of the presidential elections, but that needs to change. This election is pivotal in deciding how much power each party gets, which is a huge deal no matter which end of the political spectrum you are. So here are seven reasons why you really, really should go out and vote this November.

Every vote DOES count:

In many recent elections, results have come down to just a few votes. For instance, in 2009 Minnesota Senator Al Franken won by only 312 votes. Your vote matters more than you think.

It’s easier than ever to be a registered voter:

Nowadays, social media apps like Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter have become important sources of information for upcoming elections and background information on candidates. Even if you don’t have these social media apps to inform you about voting, it’s not that difficult to research online (go to vote.org) and the registration process takes just a few minutes. Even if you’re far from home November 6th, you can always absentee vote ahead of time or vote early in some states!

Vote for those who don’t have the right to do so:

Many people in the United States like felons, people without identification, and residents of United States territories don’t have the right to vote. About 5.8 million convicted felons are denied the right to vote and thirteen states permanently deny felons voting rights. Thirty-three states enforce voter identification laws which discourage minorities and the poor from voting as many of them are unable to drive or cannot afford valid identification. In addition, residents of American Samoa, Guam, the Virgin Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, and Puerto Rico cannot vote in federal elections. They all have a reason they can’t vote. What’s yours?

You may not care about voting now, but you might care in a few years:

You probably have many other issues in your personal life unrelated to voting like finding a job or paying for your insurance. While you can’t know what will happen to you in your future, you can make a choice to elect the political leaders that will positively affect your life the most. Use your voice and participate in the election to impact your future and others as well.

Many campaigns have fought for the right to vote:

Campaigns like the Woman Suffrage movement and the Civil Rights movement tirelessly fought for equal voting rights. Show your respect to these campaigns by simply voting in the next election.

You have a right to complain if the election doesn’t go your way:

Seriously. If you had the ability to vote and didn’t, don’t even bother complaining about the election results. However, if the politician you supported and voted for didn’t win, then go ahead and complain. At least you cared enough to try. As George Jean Nathan said, “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.”

And finally, you can get an “I voted” sticker!:

And who doesn’t like stickers?

Visit https://www.vote.org/ and https://votesaveamerica.com/ for more information and be sure to vote either before or on November 6th!

Student at Hamline University
Skyler Kane

Hamline '20

Creative Writing Major, Campus Coordinator for Her Campus, and former Editor and Chief for Fulcrum Journal at Hamline University