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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GWU chapter.

Dealing with Overwhelm

There are many incredible aspects of college: meeting new people, growing at an exponential rate, learning a ton about who we are. 

However, it often feels like we’re not able to enjoy these amazing experiences because we feel too overwhelmed. Whether it’s an impending exam or paper, or even attending club meetings and making plans, it seems like there’s always something to anticipate. 

Feeling overwhelmed is totally normal, especially when you’re a college student with an ever-changing schedule. But it doesn’t’t need to be this way. Incorporating a few daily practices will alieviate stress and help you feel calm and capable. 

One of the best practices that you can incorporate into your nightly routine is planning out the next day the night before. Write out your schedule and then jot down a list of all of the tasks that you need to get done. Think about which tasks need to get done the next day, and put a star next to it. Prioritize those to-dos and focus on those tasks first. Once you have it all on paper, everything always seems much more manageable. When it’s all in your head, it can feel like your drowning in a sea of to-dos. 

The second practice that works wonders for conquering overwhelm is turning off your phone while you’re doing work. I know, this is a tough one. But the benefits are so rewarding. You won’t keep scrolling on Instagram when you should be studying, and the beeps and buzzes won’t make you lose your focus.

Next, remember to practice self-care. College can be super stressful and it’s easy to forget to take care of ourselves. Each day, do something for yourself. Read a good book in bed. Make a nice cup of tea and just take a moment to breathe. Call a friend or family member. All of these self-care practices will help you stay calm, even when things get busy.

The last and perhaps most important thing to remember — it all works out in the end. Take off the pressure and just trust yourself. You can totally do this! 
