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Beating the Winter Blues: How to Stay Motivated and Happy During the Cold Months

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Guelph chapter.

When the winter semester begins motivation can be hard to find, especially  when it feels like your last semester just ended. Waking up while it is still dark out, spending the day in class or the library while the sun is up, and going home when the sun has set again, does not make the situation any easier.  


In the winter months it is common to not always feel like yourself. Many experience “seasonal depression” which can make finding motivation and perseverance that much harder. This makes it especially important to take breaks from studying, and recharge. To have moments to get back to you! So if you want to fully utilize your study breaks, keep your motivation up, and most importantly make those dark winter days a little brighter, consider doing some of the following! 


1. Meditate 

Nothing helps more than having a mindful moment. Meditating is a great way to relieve the pressure of your new semester, get in tune with yourself, and make the cold months more bearable. Bonus points if you meditate in the morning, and set yourself up for a positive day! 


2. Make a nice, home-cooked meal 

Let’s face it. When it’s cold all you want to do is eat the heartiest meal. Comfort food is an important part of settling into winter. Just make sure it’s at least minorly healthy and not so heavy that you’ll fall asleep instead of being productive. 


3. Hit the gym 

When it’s cold it can be hard to drag yourself out of the house. But hitting the gym is an awesome way to get your endorphins pumping. Exercise is also proven to help focus. So get up, get active, get happy! 


4. Take a bath 

At the end of a long day of studying, there is nothing better than soaking in a nice warm tub. Having a bath before bed is a great way to relax before hitting the hay, decreasing your stress levels, improving your sleep, and ultimately giving you energy for the next day! 


5. Have a cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate 

If you don’t have time for some comfort food, grab a comfort drink instead! The cold gives you an excuse to always have a warm beverage in your hand. So grab your favourite winter drink and hit the library! 


6. Hang out with friends 

Spending time with people you care about is always a nice way to break up the day or reward yourself after some hard work. Not only that, its guaranteed to put a smile on your face regardless of the weather. So don’t isolate yourself, be social! 


7. Go ice skating or hit the slopes 

The best way to combat winter is to lean into it! So why not pick up a winter sport to enjoy it more. Going skiing or skating is a good way to start, even if you are just a beginner. You’ll get some exercise, have some fun, all while gaining a new appreciation for winter. 


8. Buy a happy lamp. 

I’m no salesperson, but buying a happy lamp has changed my life. We become sadder in the winter partially because of a lack of UV rays. So I bought a happy lamp. Sitting in front of this when I’m getting ready in the morning, doing my makeup, eating, etc. makes me feel more energized for the day. And, well, it makes me happy! 


9. Bundle up and go a walk 

Again, the best way to learn to love winter is to get out into nature. Just because its cold doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the outdoors. Bundle up, and find a nearby trail, and appreciate  snow creates winter wonderlands! 


10. Listen to your favourite songs 

Another way to make your mornings and days a little brighter is to play some of your favourite music. Avoid the sad music, and skip right to your favourite tunes! You’ll be feeling more energetic in no time. And hopefully, the short winter days will be a little more enjoyable.

I am a fifth year student in the Honours BA Psychology program, minoring in Political Science at the University of Guelph. Over my first four years as a student I have learned that nothing helps relieve stress like a creative outlet, especially if you are an overly creative person in the social sciences. Growing up in an artistic household, I learned love, happiness, and any other emotion or experience could be expressed productively through various mediums. I learned to draw, paint, dance competitively, take pictures, and, most relevant to this situation, write, all thanks to my super creative mother. As a result, HerCampus is an amazing outlet for my creative side while I bear the pressure of meeting graduate school requirements. I can't wait to see what my final undergrad year with HerCampus has in store!
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