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Meditation With Your Partner: The Key to a Healthy Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at GSU chapter.

Are you looking to add depth and inner stability to your relationships? I encourage you to look into meditation, which is a tool that is commonly used to build trust, kindness, and mindfulness with oneself and others. Meditation requires you to speak life into yourself and thus through your partner as well. 

pink yoga mat with two pink weights and other exercise equipment
Photo by Elena Kloppenburg from Unsplash


Through consistency, one may be able to reap the many benefits of meditation. Here are six reasons why you and your significant other should adopt meditation as a habitual practice:

  1. It is an alternative method to therapy. While therapy is a great option to utilize in the pursuit of a better relationship with your partner, meditation provides another exercise that does not involve breaking out your wallet. Through meditation, one may learn how to be in tune with their own needs in pursuit to be present for the needs of their partner as well.

  2. Meditation promotes emotional health. It encourages couples to find acceptance amongst the difficult emotions instead of dwelling upon them. Upon acceptance is when anxiety levels and negative self talk no longer have such a saturated presence on one’s mind. Habits such as positive and encouraging affirmations not only combat these thoughts but allow yourself to present for your partner.

    Silhouette of woman doing yoga at sunset
    Photo by Kike Vega from Unsplash

  3. It can reduce stress.  Because of the many twists and turns that come with life itself, it can be easy to succumb to the stress that surrounds us constantly. Without regulation, that stress can affect the bond between you and your partner. Meditation intervenes by allowing each party to center themselves and clear their minds of what is truly stressing them at the core.

  4. It gives a new activity for you to do with your partner. I mean, hey. You can only Netflix and Chill so much right? Plus, trying out new activities for the two of you to bond over has shown a steady increase in satisfaction amongst couples.

  5. Meditation aids in conflict resolution. Arguments and disagreements are one of the layers that comes with being in a committed relationship, romantic or otherwise. However, it is difficult  to understand the other’s perspective when your judgment is clouded by emotion. Meditation requires each party to take a step back in order to get in the headspace to deal with the problem itself.

  6.  Overall builds a stronger connection within your relationship. Meditation encourages emotional growth, awareness and mindfulness of our own actions as well as the actions of our partners. This practice encourages  couples to do the shadow work in order to be present for each other on a daily basis.


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The GSU chapter of Her Campus